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There are as many ways to writing grant proposals as there are scientists. With seemingly ever dropping success rates, it is crucial to know what constitutes a good proposal and how to avoid the common pitfalls. We have built a 15-step model to writing proposals for calls providing advances beyond current "frontier of knowledge". The Step-by-Step model is designed for proposals to European Research Council (ERC), Novo Nordisk Foundation (NNF), Villum Foundation, Independent Research Fund Denmark (DFF), Danish National Research Fund (DNRF) and Carlsbergfondet. A common denominator for those councils is excellence.


On the right, you can download a Step-by-Step model with 15 steps, you have to address when writting your proposal. If possible, we recommend following the steps in the given order.

You can also find a recording of a webinar on the Step-by-Step writing model and the accompanying slides. Please note that the webinar concerns a previous version of the Step-by-Step model.

Step-by-Step model

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Webinar - recording

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Webinar - slides

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Last Updated 27.07.2024