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You can find the general FAQ of the founder here - Carlsberg Foundation FAQ


Frequently Asked Questions for Carlsberg Foundation

- For fields trips, funds can only cover expenses for the applicant and not fellow travelers. Also, it is not possible to send substitute for the applicant


- For conferences, the CV of the applicant is of less importance. The foundation looks mainly at the content of the conference


- For the Semper Ardens Accomplish and Accelerate calls, the earliest possible start date is the 1st of October 3 and 2 years, respectively, to the application deadline. E.g. Accomplish in 2023, the earliest possible start date as professor is the 1st of October, 2020. For Accelerate, the earliest start date is the 1st of October 2021

- Does NOT support clinical and technical sciences

- Does NOT grant overhead

- No formal upperlimit for the Infrastructure call, but the highest amounts granted range near 5 mio DKK

- the popularized description will not be part of the application pdf but will be available online in case of granting

- when asked for "CV of main applicant and as well as for all the named researchers in the research group", it refers to CV of the applicant and the people on the project (not all members of the applicant's research group)


Last Updated 27.07.2024