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Sara Gentilini

Project Manager

Phone: +45 6550 7686

Sara has a Master in Ancient History from Bologna where she became Professional Classical Archaeologist; she holds a bachelor’s in law and administration study with a thesis on European Union Legislation, she got a Ph.D. in ecosystem services from the Science Faculty at the University of Turin, Italy. With many years’ experiences as project manager, she got some degree of success running funded projects linked with geological interpretation, education, climate change, culture, geo-tourism, valorization of local food supporting local communities and diverse stakeholders groups within living labs and mutual mobilization learning approaches. She has built up a strong international network and she is fascinating about developing solutions for improving climate bottom-up strategies which can benefit local communities as a whole.
She is UNESCO external evaluators for UNESCO Global Geoparks territories since 2017. She is the founder of the GEOfood company for local food valorization, storytelling and development of science research methodologies for enhancing knowledge about km zero strategies and soil compositions within UNESCO territories, international network which is including about 100 food companies in 17 countries. She is enjoying multicultural setting and supporting the right development of project development processes, funding strategies and application. 
