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There are a number of steps and considerations to take into account before applying for funding.

Find calls
- you can use our webpage or the more exhaustive Research Professional database when screening the funding landscape.

Research Professional is an external fund database with extensive coverage of Danish as well as European and other foreign grants in all disciplines. The database provides you with easy overview and access to information about national and international notifications of research funds.

All employees at SDU have access to the database, and you can save, download or share your results. If you create a profile, you can regularly receive reminders about funds that are relevant to you or your research group. We have pre-setup searches in Research Professional for scientists at the Faculty of Science that will lead you to a list of the most interesting calls. We are happy to assist you if you want to learn how to exploit the possibilities of Research Professional. Let us know if you are interested in a session where we will sit together with you and guide you through the options of the database.

Select most suitable call
- we would be happy to assist with in-depth screening of the call text and finding previous funded projects. This will hint if a certain call is suitable for you. 

- for EU global challenge calls, we can help you identify consortium partners, both if you are applying as a coordinator or aiming to become a partner.

Train your grant writing skills
- consider attending internal SDU courses, amongst other the one on writing good proposals. 

Contact ERT for assistance before you apply

Write to ERT

Last Updated 27.07.2024