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New students 2023

Welcome to 4,635 new SDU students

This year, the University of Southern Denmark has offered 4,635 prospective bachelor students a place in either Odense, Esbjerg, Slagelse, Kolding or Sønderborg.

This an increase of 7% compared to 2022. The entire university sector has seen an increase in applications to higher education programmes this year.

New programme offerings have attracted many new students

Helle Waagepetersen, Pro-Rector for Education at SDU, is delighted with this year’s applications to the University of Southern Denmark.

- We are happy to welcome so many new students to SDU, and we look forward to welcoming everyone at the start of the semester. I am particularly pleased that our new programme offerings have got off to such a good start with many qualified applicants, and that we have succeeded in creating attractive study environments and programmes, she says.

The University of Southern Denmark has created four new programmes this year. In Sønderborg, for instance, it has been possible for the first time to apply for the MSc in Software Engineering programme, on which 134 out of more than 500 applicants have been offered a place, and 59 applicants have been offered a place on the Law programme in Esbjerg.

Progress at four out of five faculties

At faculty level, the application rate matched or exceeded that of 2022 at four out of five faculties. The Faculty of Engineering in particular has attracted many applicants and this year can offer a place to 34% more applicants compared to last year.

The natural science and social science programmes have offered places to 6% and 3% more students than last year, respectively, while the places offered at the Faculty of Health Sciences are at the same level as in 2022. This year, the humanities programmes have offered 10% fewer places compared to last year.

As in previous years, the most popular degree programmes at SDU are Medicine, Psychology, Law and Business Economics.

Don’t forget to accept your study offer

Applicants who are offered a place on one of SDU’s programmes must remember to accept the offer no later than 6 August.
It is still possible to apply for a very limited number of available places. For an overview, go to

Editing was completed: 28.07.2023