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Great interest in SDU’s programmes

Preliminary figures show a high level of interest in applying to SDU’s offered programmes.

This year, the University of Southern Denmark has again received an encouraging number of applications to its undergraduate and professional bachelor’s degree programmes. This is clear from the preliminary data after the deadline for applications to higher education expired at noon on 5 July. Preliminary figures indicate that the number of applications to SDU’s degree programmes is at the same level as in 2023.

Once again, this year has seen a higher number of applications than in 2019 – before the COVID-19 pandemic – even though this year it has not been possible to apply for admission to education programmes in Slagelse, where SDU’s programme activities are being phased out.

- I am delighted with the many applications we have received – and that so many people are interested in SDU’s programmes. It is encouraging to see an increase in the number of applications from international students for the second year in a row. This can fulfil our ambitions to retain and develop attractive and strong educational and academic environments as well as the high demand for highly specialised labour throughout the region,’ says Helle Waagepetersen, Pro-Rector for Education at the University of Southern Denmark.

More applicants prioritise SDU

One of the positive aspects worth highlighting from this year’s application figures is that more people have submitted priority 1 applications to an SDU programmes compared to last year.
At faculty level, increases in priority 1 applications for science and engineering programmes are particularly noticeable compared to the figures for 2023.

Applicants will receive a reply on 26 July

On 26 July, the hopeful applicants will receive notification of whether they have been offered a student place. They must accept the offer by 6 August. In the meantime, everything is being done to create the best possible study start for the freshers.
Editing was completed: 05.07.2024