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Football is Medicine

The Football is Medicine Steering Group 2024

The Football is Medicine (FIM) platform was established in 2018 by Professor Peter Krustrup and his colleagues from Southern Denmark University (SDU, Odense, Denmark). FIM is an international scientific platform disseminating results on the fitness and wellbeing effects of recreational football for participants across the lifespan. We are organizing annual conferences, and we are involved in the development of best practice evidence-based sports concepts for participants across the lifespan.

The FIM2024 Steering Group consists of 20 members from 14 countries, and 5 continents:
Maysa de Sousa from Brazil. Kristina Pfeffer, Malte Nejst Larsen, Morten B Randers og Peter Krustrup from Denmark. Magni Mohr and May-Britt Skoradal from the Faroe Islands. Mihaly Szerovay from Finland. Ioannis Fatouros from Greece. Paula Carroll from Ireland. Anne-Marie Elbe from Germany. Carlo Castagna from Italy. João Brito and Susanna Póvoas from Portugal. Zoran Milanovic from Serbia. Asghar Muhammad from Sweden. Amri Hammami from Tunesia. George Nassis from UAE. Jennifer Frediani and Felipe Lobelo from USA.

FIM conferences

So far, the Football is Medicine platform has organized 6 annual FIM conferences. FIM2018: Lisbon, Portugal. FIM2019: Odense, Denmark. FIM2020: Tórshavn, Faroe Islands. FIM2022: Doha, Qatar. FIM2023: Atlanta, US. FIM2024: Florence, Italy.

The next FIM conference, FIM2025, will be held in Jyväskylä, Finland, January 14-16, 2025. You can find more information  about the conference on

See this YouTube video about Football as Medicine (The Danish Football Grannies):

Read about the FIM research:

  1. Krustrup P, Krustrup BR (2018). Football is medicine: it is time for patients to play! Br J Sports Med. 2018 Nov;52(22):1412-1414.

  2.  Krustrup P, Williams CA, Mohr M, Hansen PR, Helge EW, Elbe AM, de Sousa M, Dvorak J, Junge A, Hammami A, Holtermann A, Larsen MN, Kirkendall D, Schmidt JF, Andersen TR, Buono P, Rørth M, Parnell D, Ottesen L, Bennike S, Nielsen JJ, Mendham AE, Zar A, Uth J, Hornstrup T, Brasso K, Nybo L, Krustrup BR, Meyer T, Aagaard P, Andersen JL, Hubball H, Reddy PA, Ryom K, Lobelo F, Barene S, Helge JW, Fatouros IG, Nassis GP, Xu JC, Pettersen SA, Calbet JA, Seabra A, Rebelo AN, Figueiredo P, Póvoas S, Castagna C, Milanovic Z, Bangsbo J, Randers MB, Brito J (2018). The "Football is Medicine" platform-scientific evidence, large-scale implementation of evidence-based concepts and future perspectives. Scand J Med Sci Sports. 28 Suppl 1:3-7.
Football is Medicine steering group
Football is medicine logo
The FIM model

See an illustration of the Football is Medicine model.

FIM model (PDF)

Last Updated 11.06.2024