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Guest-lecturing and knowledge-sharing

During the corona pandemic in 2021, Associate Professor Kjeld Jensen from SDU UAS Center and SDU-colleague Christian Hammerich from SDU Mechanical Engineering gave a guest lecture on Sustainable research, teaching, and innovation to engineering students and faculty at the Fourah Bay College in Freetown, Sierra Leone, and at the Eastern Technical University in Kenema, Sierra Leone.

SDU students learn about sustainable innovation from Sierra Leone

Lecturing at the schools in Sierra Leone has given Christian first-hand knowledge with how to do sustainable innovation in developing countries that has a different economic and social set-up than Denmark. This experience and knowledge is now being used when Christian teaches in sustainable innovation and development at SDU. 

In 2022 some of the students from Sierra Leone visited SDU where they, among other things, went to the UAS Test Center in HCA Airport to try to fly drones.


SDU project in Sierra Leone ensures clean water and strenghtens teaching at TEK, 25th of August 2021

Last Updated 29.03.2023