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2012 Karl Sannes Ekselund: Heart affection in patients with dermatomyositis (DM) or polymyositis (PM). Main supervisor: LP Diderichsen. Co-supervisors: JA Simonsen.

2013 Henrik Langkilde: Systemisk Lupus Erythematosus, en familieundersøgelse med 12 års follow-up. Main supervisor: H Laustrup. Co-supervisor: A Voss.

2013 Jesper Callesen: Reproducibility of tender point examination in chronic low back pain patients as measured by in Intrarater an Interrater reliability and agreement: A validation study. Main supervisor: T Ellingsen.Co-supervisor: OK Jensen.

2013 Mette Axelsen: Mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis - a 30 year prognosis study. Main supervisor: T Ellingsen. Co-supervisor: RS Pedersen.

2013 Maja Skov Kragsnæs: Serological quantification of immune competens cells in baseline biopsies from achilles tendons i healthy controls and patients with chronic tendinopathy followed for more than 4 yeras. Main supervisor: T Ellingsen. Co-supervisors: U Fredberg, K Bendix.

2013 Caroline Odderskov: Pharmacogenetic studies in patients with early rheumatoid arthritis in treatment with Methotrexate + Cyclosporin. Results from a randomized clinical trial. Main supervisor: N Hornung. Co-supervisors: T Ellingsen, K Stengaard-Pedersen.

2014 Stine Bjørn Kristensen: Can rheumatoid arthritis and cardiovascular co-morbidity be predicted in anti-CCP and/or IgM rheumatoid factor (IgM RF) positive persons suffering from peripheral arthralgia without clinical or ultrasound detectable synovitis be predicted using FDG-PET/CT and/or NaF-PET/CT: A cohort-study. Main supervisor: T Ellingsen. Project group: PF Høilund-Carlsen, W Wach, A Alevi, S Hess, R Christensen, P Ahlquist, N Heegaard, U Holmskov.

2015 Ida Guldbæk Louw: M-ficolin and MAP44 as potential markers of cardiovascular co-morbidity evaluated by CT and SPECKLE-TRACK echo of the heart. Main supervisor: T Ellingsen. Co-supervisor: CG Ammitzbøll. Project group: BB Løgstrup, S Thiel.

2015 Bjørk Khaliqi: SP-D (surfactant protein D) and MFAP4 (microfibrillar-associated protein 4) as potential markers of cardiopulmonary co-morbidity evaluated by pulmonary function test, CT and speckle track echo of the heart. Main supervisor: T Ellingsen. Co-supervisors: GL Sørensen, C Hyldgaard.

2015 Mette Dybdal Hansen: Patients perceptions of ready-to-use drugs. Main supervisor: J Sørensen. Co-supervisor: T Ellingsen.

2015 Karin Volmer Thøgersen: Quantitative and qualitative assesment with nuclear maging of patients with acute idiopathic inflammatory myopathy compared with healthy controls. Main supervisor: JA simonsen. Co-supervisors: LP Diederichsen, S Hvidsten.

2016 Louise Bjørnskov Knudsen and Jan Petersen: Correlation between functional capacity and self-reported physical function (SF-36) in patients with inclusion body myositis. Main supervisor: LP diederichsen. Co-supervisors: AN Jørgensen.

2016 Karina Poulsen: Quality of Life in Patients with dermato- or polymyositis. Main supervisor: LÅ Diedrichsen. Co-supervisors: H Alexanderson.

2016 Kathrine Lykke Pedersen: Is sideeffects and treatment response to methotrexate associated to comorbidity in early rheumatoid arthritis? Main supervisor: J Hallas. Co-supervisor: T Ellingsen.

2016 Anne Thiel: Effects of resistance training of different intensity on visceral fat an lipid profile in healthy elderly people. Supervisors: T Ellingsen, M Kjær.

2016 Jon Diernæs: Patients' perception of adverse effects when switching from oral to subcutaneous administration of methotrexate: A multi-centre prospective study. Co-supervisors: CB Kromann, PR Lage-Hansen, T Ellingsen, A Bygum, GBE Jemec.

2016 Liselotte Hansen: Long-term prognosis of chronic tendinopathy in the plantar fascia based on disease duration and ultrasonic changes. Main supervisor: T Krogh. Co-supervisors: U Fredberg, T Ellingsen.

2016 Josephine Thusgaard Ruhoff: Faktorer af betydning for behandling af perifer PsA med DMARD og biologisk medicin. Supervisors: T Ellingsen, J K Pedersen, R Christensen.

2016 Sine Søndergaard Korsholm: Electrocardiographic findings and autoantibody profile in myositis. Supervisor: Louise Pyndt Diederichsen.

2017 Line Strand Andersen: Obstetric and Neonatal Outcomes in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: A polulation-based register study. Supervisor: Anne Voss.

2017 Sofia Krogh Kunø: Prevalence, incidence and mortality in ANCA associated vasculitis in Southern Denmark. Supervisor: Anne Voss.

2017 Julie de Fønss Ganstrup Horan: Effect of health IT-based quality improvement initiatives on rheumatoid arthritis disease activity measurement in an academic rheumatology clinic. Supervisors: T Ellingsen, J Yazdany, G Schmajuk (UCSF, San Fransisco, USA).

2017 Shaun Theodor Sjøgren: Patient experience in participation in a radomized microbiom transplantation study in psoriatic arthritis. Supervisor: T Ellingsen, M Kragsnæs, HC Horn, HL Munk.

Last Updated 28.09.2021