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Investigator initiated, multicenter studies

2000     The CIMESTRA 98-study: Methotrexate and Ciclosporin combination treatment in early rheumatoid arthritis. A randomized double blind two-arm parallel group study of Ciclosporin's additive effect regarding inflammation control, Prednisolone-saving effect and inhibition of erosion development. Principal investigator/sponsor: K Stengaard-Pedersen. 

2007     The OPERA-study: Optimized treatment algorithm for early rheumatoid arthritis: Methotrexate and intraarticular triamcinolone hexacetonide plus adalimumab or placebo treatment of early rheumatoid arthritis. A randomized double-blind, placebo-controlled, two-arm parallel group study of adalimumab's additive effect regarding inflammation control and inhibition of erosion development. Optimized Treatment Algorithm for Patients with Early RA. Principal investigator/sponsor: K Hørslev-Petersen, K Stengaard-Pedersen. 

2009     The SARA-study: Synovitis suppression and systemic disease in advanced rheumatoid arthritis. Project group: H Lindegaard, P Junker, T Lorenzen, K Hørslev-Petersen. 

2010     Myositis-study:
Idiopathic inflammatory myopathy (IIM). CARDIO-MYODAN: Cardiovascular disease at IIM. Principal investigator/sponsor: L Diederichsen. 

2011     CARDIO-MYODAN: Heart involvement in adults with polymyositis or dermatomyositis - a multicentre study. Project group: A. Diederichsen, J. Simonsen, WY. Kim, P. Junker, I. Lundberg, S. Jacobsen, Principal investigator/sponsor: LP. Diederichsen.   

2012     Myositis-study:  Idiopathic inflammatory myopathy (IIM). EPI-MYODAN: Clinical presentations and sequences at IIM. Principal investigator/sponsor: L Diederichsen. 

2012     The NORD-STAR study: A multicenter, randomized, open-label, blinded-assessor, phase 5 study in patients with early rheumatoid arthritis to compare active conventional therapy versus three biologic treatments, and two de-escalation strategies in patients who respond to treatment. Principal investigator/sponsor: M Østergaard, M Hetland. 

2012      The IMAGINE study: Can an MRI-guided treatment strategy reduce disease activity and progression in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) - a randomized controlled study (IMAGINE study). Principal investigator/sponsor: K Stengaard-Pedersen, M Østergaard. 

2013     The DanACT Early study: The efficacy and safety of adding tocilizumab to methotrexate and intra-articular glucocorticosteroid treatment in early rheumatoid arthritis. A randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled trial. Principal investigator/sponsor: K Stengaard-Pedersen, EM Hauge. 

2013     EPI-MYODAN: Idiopathic inflammatory myopathies - epidemiological aspects. Project group: S. Jacobsen. H. Schrøder, H. Andersen, K. Søndergaard, P. Mathiasen, N. Witting, I. Lundberg. Principal investigator/sponsor/ LP. Diedrichsen. 

2014     The ERACORI study: Multifactorial Intervention Preventing Cardiovascular Disease In Patients With Early Rheumatoid Arthritis: Protocol for a Multicenter, Prospective Randomized Open, Blinded Endpoint Trial (ERACORI). Principal and co- investigator/sponsor/steereing comittee: T Ellingen, AML Svensson., R Christensen. 

2014     ANCA-associated vasculitis study: Prediktion af  ”poor clinical outcome” i en syddansk kohorte af patienter med ANCA-associeret vaskulit. Et epidemiologisk, klinisk og serologisk studie Principal investigator/sponsor: H Laustrup. Project group: A Voss, R Christensen, T Ellingsen and all departments of rheumatology in Region South Denmark. 

2015     IMAGING-MYODAN: Idiopathic inflammatory myopathies - diagnostic imaging aspects. Project group: J. Simonsen, S. Hvidsten, S. Jacobsen, L. Terslev, S. Torp-Pedersen. Principal investigator/sponsor: LP. Diederichsen. 

2017     BELIEVE: Study on Treatment Selection and Lifestyle Recommendations in Chronic Inflammatory. Diseases: A Danish Multidisciplinary Collaboration on Prognostic Factors and Personalized Medicine. Styregruppe: Andersen V, Holmskov U, Kjeldsen J., Ellingsen T. Participants: Sørensen SB, Jawhara M, Andersen KW, Bygum A, HVis L, Grauslund J, Wied J, Glerup H, Fredberg U, Villadsen JA, Kjær SG, Fallingborg J, Moghadd SAGR, Knudsen T, Brodersen J, Frøjk J, Dahlerup JF, Nielsen OH, Christensen R, Bojesen AB, Sorensen GL, Thiel S, Færgeman NJ, Brandslund I, Stensballe A, Schmidt EB, Franke A, Ellinghaus D, Rosenstiel P, Raes J, Heitmann B, Boye M, Nielsen CL, Werner L. 

2018     The GMARD Project: Gut and Microbiota in Arthritis and inflammatory Rheumatic Diseases. Main applicant: T Ellingsen. Co-Applicants: J Kjeldsen, K Kristiansen, R Christensen, AB Pedersen, PF Høilund-Carlsen. Participants: MS Kragsnaes, HC Horn, HL Munk, JK Pedersen, C Hyldgaard, E Bendstrup, HM Holt, DK Holm, U Fredberg, V Andersen. 


Last Updated 28.09.2021