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List of all employees at the Research Unit of Orthopaedics (Kolding)

IRS - Lillebælt Hospital, Research Unit of Orthopaedics (Kolding)

First name Last name Position Telephone Email
Charlotte  Abrahamsen  Associate Professor  +4565507276 
Charlotte  Abrahamsen  Associate Professor  +4565507276 
Kathleen  Galvin  VIP   
Signe Steenstrup  Jensen  PhD student   
Anders  Jordy  Coordinative Clinical Associate Professor   
Stefan  Møller  PhD student   
Birgit  Rasmussen  Postdoc   
Birgit  Rasmussen  Postdoc   
Lisbeth  Uhrenfeldt  Professor   
Lisbeth  Uhrenfeldt  Professor   
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Last Updated 27.07.2024