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Research areas

The Clinical Research Unit manages the setup, training, follow-up, and completion of all treatment courses that are followed in protocols. Additionally, in collaboration with the doctors, we are responsible for reporting to the pharmaceutical companies

In general, we focus on clinical research within oncology. Primarily, phase II and phase III studies with testing of new treatments for solid tumors in adults. These include new forms of chemotherapy/biological treatments, radiation therapy, and new treatment combinations. Research initiated by the department's own doctors and projects in which we are involved in the design, planning, and reporting are particularly prioritized. In addition, there is collaboration with the pharmaceutical industry. Finally, the department has a section for experimental treatment, where treatments are given in collaboration with the Danish Health Authority's expert panel on experimental cancer treatment.

In recent years, most protocols are supplemented with the collection of biological material for molecular biological and biochemical analysis with the aim of comparing these results with treatment effects. Here in Vejle, we have biomarker protocols within:

  • Lung cancer
  • Gastrointestinal cancer
  • Breast cancer
  • Gynecological cancer
  • Prostate cancer

The clinical research unit provides the opportunity to go from having a good idea to making a difference. Oncology is undergoing rapid development. There is a lot of focus on improving treatments, and research is the way to achieve that. The clinical research unit has its own office with all facilities and is a well-established unit specializing in supporting clinical research. There is great expertise in:

  • The current rules for good clinical research (Good Clinical Practice)
  • Requirements for notifications and approvals
  • Project management
  • Data collection
  • Quality assurance
  • Data processing
  • Presentation

Research takes place in the department's sections, i.e. the Oncology Outpatient Clinic, Radiation Therapy, and Oncology Ward.

The results of research at the department are published in recognized international journals. In addition, a number of presentations are given at national and especially international conferences.

At the Danish Cancer Society, you can find an overview of the research unit's trial treatments, and you can read summaries of the trials.

The research park continually houses about 10 PhD students who are all actively researching in the oncology field.


Overview of our publications

Last Updated 27.07.2024