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Novo Nordisk Grant for BioFab: Bioprinting and Microfabrication in Odense

An upstart of the new Center BioFab will commence with a state-of-the-art 3D-printer. But not just any printer – this one will also bring biomaterial into play, giving the opportunity to bridge and engage both environmental, medical, and industrial partners for innovative projects.

By Lilian Skytte, , 10/25/2023

The fabrication of controllable, reproducible structures at the scale of micrometers or nanometers is key to address a variety of scientific and societal problems: nanometric structures can produce more efficient solar cells or energy-efficient materials; micrometric valves or filters can be used to make lab-on-a-chip; micrometric soft scaffolds can allow for the growth of cell cultures in 3D and the generation of artificial tissues or organs.

“In Odense, we want to build a center for nano and micro-fabrication and bioprinting (BioFab) that will boost the local research in many fields (optics, biology, biophysics, materials science...) and foster external collaborations.” Says Associate Professor Francesca Serra from the Department of Physics, Chemistry and Pharmacy. “Thanks to the Infrastructure grant from Novo Nordisk Fonden, for the fabrication center we will be able to acquire the "Quantum X Bio", a new generation 3D laser printer that can print features at very high resolution, using a variety of hard and soft materials (from hard plastics to soft gels), including biomaterials. In combination with the existing facilities, this will become a new hub for Denmark and Europe.”

The grant of DKK 10.806.015 will allow Francesca to lay the foundations for the new center in the near future. The center will add to the expertise in biomaterials that can be found in the PhyLife collaboration and increase the variation of research projects and skills.

Francesca Serra

Francesca is one of the researchers at the Department of Physics, Chemistry and Pharmacy, and a description of her research can be found here:

Research profile

Editing was completed: 25.10.2023