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Carbon Management & bio-resources

We want to understand and to support society in the management of the carbon cycles of bio-systems and of human appropriation and use of biomass. We look into local bio-technology and bio-energy solutions in a global perspective. As a key activity, we are developing a new concept called EASI, Energy and Agricultural System Integration, and we strive to find innovative solutions for an integrated and co-optimized agricultural supply of biomass for food, feed and energy to a growing/changing population in a cost- and environmentally-efficient way. Life cycle assessment and energy system analysis is at the core of our work.

Examples of research projects in this area:

SYMBIO: Integration of biomass and wind power for biogas upgrading and enhancement via hydrogen-assisted anaerobic digestion

The project aims to develop an innovative process for microbial conversion of hydrogen and CO2 to methane in a biogas reactor, thus supporting a power-to-fuel concept and the storage of fluctuating renewable electricity production. See

EFPro2: Environmental Friendly Protein Production

The project aims to decouple the production of animal feed protein from the use of land. Single-cell protein is produced microbiologically from nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen and carbon of a non-crop origin.

GR3: Grass to Green Gas

The project aims to uncover the barriers and environmental consequences of using residual grass as a resource for key bioenergy pathways throughout Europe, including, in particular, biogas. See

Urban Energy: Waste based biogas

The project will assess the feasibility of a turnkey treatment process turning urban waste into a bio-pulp for biogas and valuable fertilizer products, including characterizing the biogas potential and contamination degree of various waste streams.

BioDK: Analysis of environmental and climate effects of producing and using biomass for electricity, heat and transportation in Denmark

A Carbon footprint assessment of bioenergy pathways for the future Danish energy system involving a total of 768 scenario combinations of biomass and energy conversion technologies, under current and future framework conditions.

CEESA: Coherent Energy and Environmental System Analysis

Designing and assessing 100 % renewable energy scenarios for Denmark. See

Baltic Manure: Baltic Forum for Innovative Technologies for Sustainable Manure Management

Identifying and developing sustainable strategies, business opportunities as well as policy framework for optimal manure management and nutrients recycling in the Baltic Sea regions.

Last Updated 18.09.2024