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PhD projects

On-going PhD projects


Socio-Technical Transition for a Circular Diaper System in 2030

PhD student: Ruby Bubinek
Supervisor: Ciprian Cimpan
Expected to be finalised in February 2027


Sustainability/technoeconomic assessment of green protein production

PhD student: Amin Sadeghi Sheshdeh
Morten Birkved
Co-supervisor: Benyamin Khoshnevisan & Jamileh Javidpour
Expected to be finalised in January 


Sustainability assessment of circular agriculture by converting residues into novel economic, social and environmental opportunities

PhD student: Mias Sommer Schjønberg
Supervisor: Morten Birkved
Co-supervisor: Benyamin Khoshnevisan
Expected to be finalised in October 2026


Business sector plastics circularity towards a climate neutral region

PhD student: Rasmus Paulsen Holm
Supervisor: Ciprian Cimpan
Co-supervisor: Kristin B. Munksgaard
Expected to be finalised in October 2026


Wastewater treatment towards a circular economy - exploring emerging technologies from a life-cycle perspective

PhD student: Lilla Simon
Supervisor: Morten Birkved
Co-supervisor: Benyamin Khoshnevisan & Sander Bruun
Expected to be finalised in September 2026


Resource Efficient Pig Production with the Use of Life Cycle Assessment and Circular Economy

PhD student: Styrmir Gislason
Supervisor: Morten Birkved
Co-supervisor: Alberto Maresca & Finn Udesen
Expected to be finalised in August 2024


Decoding the Food-Nutrition-Economy-Environment Nexus for Sustainable Food Systems

PhD student: Fengyin Xiong
Supervisor: Morten Birkved
Co-supervisor: Gang Liu
Expected to be finalised in October 2024


Green Transition of the healthcare sector in the Region of Southern Denmark

PhD student: Ofir Eriksen
Supervisor: Ciprian Cimpan
Co-supervisor: Morten Birkved Søren Tollestrup Askegaard 
Expected to be finalised in April 2026


Refining the Inclusion of the Temporal Dimension in Life Cycle Assessment Based Decision Support

PhD student: Simon Bruhn
Supervisor: Morten Birkved
Co-supervisor: Ciprian Cimpan
Expected to be finalised in January 2025

The Material Constrain of the Energy and Climate Transition

PhD student: Simone Della Bella
Supervisor: Ciprian Cimpan
Co-supervisor: Morten Birkved & Burak Sen
Expected to be finalised in June 2024


End-of-Life Management and Circular Economy in Renewable Energy Transition

PhD student: Shangjun Ke
Supervisor: Morten Birkved
Co-Supervisor: Gang Liu
Expected to be finalised in August 2024


Integrating Data Science in Industrial Ecology: Machine Learning and Remote Sensing Aided Characterization of Building Stocks for a Circular Economy

PhD student: Kun Sun
Supervisor: Ciprian Cimpan
Co-supervisor: Gang Liu & Wu Chen
Expected to be finalised in October 2024


Finalised projects



Pathway Towards Environmental Sustainability and Economic Feasibility: Integrating Material Flow Analysis (MFA) and Techno-Economic Assessment (TEA)

PhD student: Qiance Liu
Supervisor: Morten Birkved
Co-supervisor:  Gang Liu & Wu Chen
Finalised in April 2024


When Industrial Ecology Meets Statistics: Probabilistic Material Flow Analysis and Uncertainty Analysis for Metal Cycles

PhD student: Wensong Zhu
Supervisor: Ciprian Cimpan
Co-supervisor: Gang Liu & Wu Chen
Finalised in April 2024


Novel framework for decision support regarding sustainability of circular economy within the built environment (EMBRACER)

PhD student: Sarah Cecilie Andersen
Supervisor: Morten Birkved
Co-supervisor:  Stefania ButeraHarpa Birgisdottir & Lise Molander
Finalised in February 2024

Kasper Dalgas Rasmussen (2021)

Exploring the Resource Constraints of Renewable Energy Transition

Ruichang Mao (2021)

Revealing Patterns of Urban Built Environment Stocks Across and Within Cities: A Chinese Case Study


Wu Chen (2021)

Towards sustainable road transportation systems: fleet dynamics, resource constraints, and emission pathways


Anders Winther Mortensen (2021)

The Role and Feasibility of Electrofuels in the Future Renewable Energy System


Maud Lanau (2020)

The Weight of Cities and Implications on Dematerialisation and Decarbonisation Strategies


Keshav Parajuly (2017)

Circular Economy in E-waste Management: Resource Recovery and Design for End-of-Life


Ciprian Cimpan (2016)

AUTOSORT - Central Sorting in Municipal Solid Waste Management


Komal Habib (2015)

Critical Resources in Clean Energy Technologies and Waste Flows


Lorie Hamelin (2013)

Carbon Management and Environmental Consequences of Agricultural Biomass in a Danish Renewable Energy Strategy




Last Updated 18.09.2024