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Patient related research

Researchers in the Research Unit of Clinical Microbiology have no direct contact with patients. However, research conducted in the research group is indeed very patient related as our research results will contribute to and benefit all patients or selected patient groups within a relatively short time period.
Investigations, methods, and techniques in our patient related research are often the same ones used in general clinical microbiological diagnostic. Thus, the research projects often includes investigation of the prevalence of e.g. bacteria, fungi, viruses, and parasites in a wide selection of different patient samples. Investigation can include traditional culture-based methods for identification of pathogens, different types of microscopies, testing for antibodies, or investigations based on real time PCR and/or sequencing.

You can find more information about our current research projects in the list below.


Patient related research

Project manager

Ulrik Stenz Justesen

Collaboration partners on the project

Collaboration with the EUCAST Laboratory for Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing, Centrallasarettet, Växjö, Sverige (Gunnar Kahlmeter and Erika Matuschek).


Antimicrobial susceptibility testing, using disk diffusion, for anaerobic bacteria is being evaluated to develop a EUCAST method.


Last Updated 20.10.2023