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The best of two worlds, combined

PET/MR has its own focus group in our department, although it is “only” hardware. But since it is a fairly new modality to combine a PET-scanner with an MRI-scanner, it will naturally be origin of many new research projects. Our aim is to fine-tune and further develop this methodology, and hopefully, eventually develop some “killer applications” for this type of scanners. The focus group has a natural overlap with other focus groups i.e. Cancer diseases, Brain disease and special topics, where it is meaningful to combine the two scanning modalities.
The focus group is also an internal user-forum where we meet on a regularly basis (every two weeks) to discuss and solve day-to-day challenges in a clinical setup.

Group Leader
Henrik Petersen,  Specialist Chief Physician, Clinical Associaste Professor, MD
Department of Nuclear Medicine
Odense University Hospital
Kløvervænget 47
DK-5000 Odense C
Phone: +45 3016 1455

Members of the group
Peter Grupe, Specialist Chief Physician, Clinical Assosicate Professor, MD, ESc
Karen Middelbo Buch-Olsen, Specialist in Nuclear Medicine, MD
Christian Glarbo, Physicist, PhD
Jon Asmussen,  Specialist in Radiology, MD
Nina Nguyen, Specialist in Radiology, MD
Sanusa Øberg-Hansen, MRI Technologist
Dorthe Sørensen, MRI Radiographer

Ongoing projects

  • Inflammatory bowel disease in children and adults
  • Head and neck cancer, assessment of lymph node metastasis
  • Healthy aging (Brain-scans)
  • Multiple myeloma, patients undergoing vertebroplastic surgery 
  • Spondyloliscitis
  • Prostata cancer and PSMA
  • Whole-body PET/MRI

Last Updated 27.07.2024