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Brain diseases

Health and disease of the brain is at the very center of our perception of being human

The area of neuroscience ranges from research in numerous clinical and physical manifestations of neurological diseases, including cancers, neurodegenerative and neuroaffective disorders to achieve (new) knowledge of the functions of the normal brain - including healthy aging. Nuclear medicine combining the radioactive tracer technology into the joint modalities of PET/MRi, PET/CT and SPECT/CT offers profound opportunities to study these areas in the brain  in vivo.

The Brain Disease group covers a wide spectrum of these areas. The overall aim is to generate new breakthroughs in the understanding of the normal and the diseased brain functions in order to support better disease treatments and preventive measures in the future.  

We use both known and new methods to study the brain at both rest and when performing tasks, applying both reversible and irreversible radiotracers, as well as structural and functional MRi, kinetic modelling in brain physiology, brain ageing, gene variance analyses, and preclinical models. 

We often work in interdisciplinary constellations with groups from other areas of expertise, bringing together specialized knowledge to produce new  innovations in the combination of high-end technology and excellent clinical practice. 

Group Leader
Peter Grupe, Specialist Chief Physician, Clinical Assosicate Professor, MD, ESc
Department of Nuclear Medicine
Odense University Hospital
Kløvervænget 47
DK-5000 Odense C
Phone: +45 4019 1248

Members of the group
Ziba Farahani,Specialist in clinical PET, MD
Svend Hvidsten, Medical Physicist, MSc
Helge Thisgaard, Medical Physicist, Associate Professor, MSc, PhD, MPE
Saga Steinmann Madsen, Clinical Engineer
Mikael Palner, Ass. professor, Head of Preclinical Imagning Core Facility, MSc, PhD
Poul Flemming Høilund-Carlsen, Professor, MD, DMSci
Johan Hygum Dam, Radiochemist, Associate Professor, MSc, PhD
Nina Nguyen, MD Specialist in Neuroradiology
Manouchehr Seyedi Vafaee, Postdoc
Sasan Andalib, DVM, PhD
Mojtaba Zarei, Professor, Specialist in neuroimaging, Dept Neurology, OUH, MD, PhD

Ongoing projects and research areas

  • Healthy and abnormal aging (neurodegeneration)
  • Neurological disorders and neurooncology
  • Psychiatry and Occupational Health:
    How does stress affect the human brain?
  • Other

Last Updated 27.07.2024