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MSSM 2016

CMSS was strongly represented at this year’s MSSM

Again this year, researchers from CMSS were well represented at the MSSM conference. This year's theme was 'People First', and the program presented many interesting presentations, for instance 'Individual Resilience' by Jeffrey Saunders from the Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies and 'Real sailors get the heart rate up' by Jacob Søndergaard.

Among other things, CMSS contributed input to the session 'Fatigue @ Busy Seas - solution based approach'. The session opened with a 10 minutes presentation from each of the three presenters, where Solveig Bøggild Dohrmann from CMSS was the first of the three.


Solveig's presentation was entitled 'What do we know about determinants of fatigue in seafaring, and how is the quality of this knowledge?' Her talk was based on the literature review which she has carried out in connection with her PhD project; a review which is under submission at the time of writing.

The three presentations were followed by a panel discussion as well as group work in which the participants drew up proposals for how fatigue among seafarers can be prevented. Subsequently, the groups presented their suggested solutions which gave rise to a lively discussion among all the participants of the session. A summary rounded off the session.

All in all, it was two exciting and enriching days, and we from CMSS look forward to participating in next year's MSSM conference.

Editing was completed: 01.09.2016