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Research areas

About the Hospital Pharmacy Research Unit (HoPRU)

Established in May 2022, HoPRU operates as a research unit within the Hospital Pharmacy at Sygehus Sønderjylland. The unit currently includes two senior researchers, PhD candidates, and master's students.

Our primary research focus is clinical pharmacy, specifically optimizing medical treatment through close collaboration with clinical departments, particularly during transitions between different healthcare sectors. We are dedicated to practice-oriented research on medication management for both inpatients and patients transitioning out of the hospital.

Our research areas encompass the development of clinical pharmaceutical services at the departmental level, coordination during sector transitions, patient safety, and the analysis of medication-related trends through registries. As a small research group, we employ both qualitative and quantitative methods.

HoPRU’s strategic priority is to create a synergy between clinical practice and research. Our projects are inspired by challenges identified in daily clinical work at the pharmacy and clinical departments at Sygehus Sønderjylland. Insights from our research are promptly integrated into the hospital pharmacy operations.

Beyond conducting research, HoPRU also aims to contribute to hospital pharmacy research both nationally and internationally. We actively participate in various local and regional committees and forums.

Vision and Mission


To become a leading international partner in hospital pharmacy.


We conduct practice-oriented research to ensure the optimal and rational management of medication in hospitals and across sectors, always focusing on the individual patient's preferences and needs.

Strategic Areas

  • Research education
  • Medication reviews
  • Care for vulnerable patients
  • Medication waste and sustainability

Last Updated 06.08.2024