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Fundamental and applied research within nanoscience

Whereas nanophysics is the fundamental or basic research, nanotechnology is the the application of this basic research via key enabling technologies. Our research leads to a fundamental understanding of structures and dynamics on the nanoscsle and bridges the gap to applications in everyday life.
Nanophysics and nanotechnology are broad research areas that cover a  range of topics which are presented individually on these physics pages.  See which of these topics that belong to either nanophysics (basic research) or nanotechnology (applied research).

Related study programmes and courses

The following master courses are relevant for all three research fields. A new master study programme, MSc in Physics and Technology - materials profile - will be offered in Sønderborg starting in September 2023.


Possible applications and value of our research

Impact factors and applications

We are part of strong networks where we provide significant input both in terms of sample preparation (e.g., nanostructure formation, thin-film or smart nanomaterials generation) and analysis (e.g., imaging), device fabrication and basic modelling und phenomena understanding.

Value for the research community and relevance for the network

At SDU, we link interdisciplinary from bio- and health sciences to the technical sciences.
Nanotechnology is a KET (key enabling technology) for most of the technological progress we have witnessed within the last fifty years. Via nanotechnology, nanoscience finds its way into microtechnology which is the basis for most modern devices, from IT to electro mobility.


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Contact (mail)

Till Leißner

Yogendra Kumar Mishra

Last Updated 28.07.2024