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Jonathan Dallaire participated in 2nd Conference on High Temperature Heat Pumps (HTHP), Copenhagen, Denmark

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On 9th September 2019, Jonathan Dallaire participated in 2nd Conference on High Temperature Heat Pumps (HTHP), Copenhagen, Denmark.


The conference discussed challenges connected with implementing heat pump technology, especially in high temperature applications like industrial processes and district heating.




SESSION 1: Potential and Demand of High Temperature Heat Pumps

10:00   Opening

10:05  How can high temperature heat pumps contribute to reach climate targets?

Thomas Nowak, European Heat Pump Association, Brussels, Belgium

10:35 Analysis of technologies and potentials for heat pump-based process heat supply above 150 °C

Benjamin Zühlsdorf, DTI, Denmark

10:55   High Temperature Heat Pumps market assessment in industry sectors

Jean-Marie Fourmigue, EDF, France

11:15 The potential of heat pumps in the electrification of the Danish industry

Fabian Bühler, DTU, Denmark

11:35 High-temperature heat pumps for pumped heat energy storage

Henning Jockenhöfer, DLR, Germany

11:55 Industrial heat pumps in the Netherlands – developments and demonstrations

Robert de Boer, TNO, The Netherlands

12:15   Lunch

SESSION 2: Industrial cases and examples on successful integration of HTHP

13:15 High temperature heat pumps in Japan

Takenobu Kaida, CRIEPI, Japan

13:35 High temerature head pumps in Austria - Demonstration and application examples

Veronika Wilk, AIT, Vienna, Austria

13:55 Combined heating and cooling: Integrated ammonia-water heat pump into modern dairy production

Bjarne Horntvedt, Hybrid Energi AS, Oslo, Norway

14:15 Hydrocarbon heat pumps with combined process cooling and heating at 110°C

Christian Schlemminger (SINTEF) for Skala Fabrikk AS, Trondheim, Norway

14:35 To-phase vane compressor for supply of industrial process steam

ToCircle AS, Oslo, Norway

14:55   Coffee Break and Poster Session

SESSION 3: Current developments and trends for high temperature heat pumps

15:30 High-temperature CO2 heat pump integration into spray drying processes

Lorenzo Bellemo, GEA, Denmark

15:50 TRANSPAC:  Transcritical Heat Pump solution for industrial dryers

Florence de Carlan, EDF, France

16:10 Experimental results of HFO/HCFO refrigerants in a laboratory scale HTHP with up to 150 °C supply temperature

Cordin Arpagaus, NTB Buchs, Switzerland

16:30 Supply of high-temperature heat and cooling with MAN ETES

Raymond C. Decorvet & Emmanuel Jacquemoud, MAN Energy Solutions, Switzerland

16:50   Poster-Pitches

17:10   Closing

17:15   Poster Session with social gathering (and refreshments)

Please check 2nd Conference on High Temperature Heat Pumps (HTHP) for more information.



    Editing was completed: 09.09.2019