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CEI Joined the COST proposal SUMERA: Standardized Urban data Models for Energy Related Applications

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The SUMERA Action aims to address the need for a stable methodology for the exchange of spatial data at both building and city levels, based on an existing open, coherent and standardized format (CityGML). The SUMERA Action's central goal is to provide unique and standard-based data models to properly combine data of different nature (including sensor data streams) and at all relevant scales, overcome data interoperability issues and allow for both detailed single-building simulations and city-wide assessments.


The implication of various end-user profiles (both sectoral and geographical) will bring expertise and ensure the wide adoptability of the resulting model. The SUMERA Action will support the uptake of energy-related urban data-models through provision of documentation, implementation guidelines, sample data sets, and hands-on training programs. The Action will also seek dissemination of the developed standard to stakeholders such as software developers and decision-makers, in particular through the incorporation into recommendations at European or international level.

Editing was completed: 05.09.2019