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Optimization and Control of Nonlinear Hydraulic Networks

PhD student at Aalborg University Maryamsadat Tahavori guested Centre for Smart Energy Solutions on December 4th and gave the speak:

Optimization and Control of Nonlinear Hydraulic Networks

Water leakage is an important component of water loss. The leakage can be reduced by reducing the pressure in the pipe network, which is obtained by proper pressure management of the network. In pressure management, the system pressures are managed to the optimum values to ensure sufficient and efficient supply to all end-users. Pressure management is a cost effective solution for leakage reduction. Leakage reduction has a lot of benefits such as power consumption reduction.

In this talk Maryam focused on the problem of pressure management and leakage reduction in water supply systems. First a general modeling framework for water supply system was presented. To reduce power consumption and consequently leakage, Maryam has used different control and optimization strategies which she described. The talk concluded with some points on optimal configuration of water supply systems.    

Editing was completed: 04.12.2013