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In the Nanophotonics group, we work towards faster, better, cost-effective diagnostics, improving healthcare, fighting global climate change, and monitoring diverse human activities to support sustainable development.

Marine Plastic Pollution

In the PlastTrack Interreg 6a project, we collaborate across the Danish-German border bringing in our expertise to develop a toolbox to monitor the transformation and degradation of micro- and nanoplastics in the environment.Thousands of tonnes of plastics are released yearly in the Danish-German border region. No one knows where it ends up or how dangerous it is for the environment or humans. The PlastTrack project will investigate this and develop tools to combat plastic pollution.

We aim to prevent further uncontrolled releases of micro- and nanoplastics by providing tools that track the path of plastic waste and support the development of environmental product declarations. We will develop the technological platform, automate the detection and digitise the analysis of micro- and nanoplastics.
Funding: Deutschland-Danmark Interreg 6a programme
More information here


Contaminations with PFAS

In the project AutoSPAN - AUTOmatic water sample collection for distributed Monitoring and  ANalysis of organo-chemical pollution, we aim to develop an efficient solution for automated ground and surface water collection, analysis and data storage in Southern Denmark. This will enable the authorities to intervene in pollution and environmental hazards before, during and after pollution.

The project idea is to develop and implement a compact and automated collection and measurement device that, using a new generation of commercial sensors, can measure sensors to measure the content of region-specific PFASs (including PFOA, PFOS  and PFOSA) in the collected water samples.
Funding: Den Syddanske Udviklingspulje til rent vand og jord


Pathogenic detection in underground waters

We are part of the project PAANEE (Photons and AI for Aquifer monitoring NEEds): A cyber-physical system for monitoring groundwater quality, where, in collaboration with Copenhagen Nanosystems and IIT Bombay, we are developing a method to detect e-coli in water samples.

Water quality impacts human, crop and livestock health, yet current quality tests only give a snapshot of water quality or can’t distinguish between harmless and deadly bacteria. We propose PAANEE, a cyber-physical water quality monitoring system able to measure and analyse groundwater quality 24/7. When our AI-based module predicts deadly bacteria, PAANEE initiates bacteria testing. PAANEE will be low-cost, driving interest in water quality by sharing data online and open to all.
Funding: Innovation Fund Denmark, Indo-Danish programme


Aquatic chemical pollution

In collaboration with WaterCare Guard and Copenhagen Nanosystems, we are developing methods for portable detection of vinyl chloride in water samples. We have demonstrated that vinyl chloride can be detected in environmental samples by promoting a selective enzymatic reaction and monitoring the sample changes in refractive index.
Funding: Innovation Fund Denmark, Digitaliserings Boost

Last Updated 27.07.2024