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A jigsaw puzzle with pieces from the middle ages

International PhD scholars explore medieval fragments in the Special Collections at SDU.

By Jakob Povl Holck, , 6/11/2024

At SDU, two PhD scholars from the EU-funded AntCom project are studying fragments of medieval handwriting, owned by the university library. Their work involves reading these texts, using techniques like hyperspectral imaging, and placing them in a larger context. Anna Charlotte Epple is affiliated with HUM, while Baharan Pourahmadi-Meibodi is from TEK.

In the image above, the AntCom team is visiting Herlufsholm Skole in Næstved. Anna Charlotte Epple and Baharan Pourahmadi-Meibodi are standing in the doorway,  to the left and right, respectively.
Learn more

AntCom is a transnational, european collaboration between reseachers from the humanities and STEM. Read more about the goals and projects of AntCom on their website.


Editing was completed: 11.06.2024