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In Denmark the public health care system is tax-financed and the vast majority of health services are free of charge for the users, such as hospital services and visits to general practitioners.

However, it is your own responsibility to take out private insurances on certain other areas while you are staying in Denmark, e.g. accident insurance, travel insurance etc.

Please read more about the different types of insurances in the menu below.

Denmark has a comprehensive public health care system, including doctors, medical specialists, hospitals, health service, home care, health visitor services and pediatric dental care, and more. Most of the health services are free of charge, if you have a Danish CPR number.
The Danish health service is based on the principle of equal access to the health services for all citizens.

Please note, that even though anyone staying in Denmark is entitled to hospital assistance in case of accidents or sudden illness, it might be a good idea for you to ensure that you are covered sufficiently during the time of your arrival in Denmark and until receiving your CPR number.
Possible travel insurance policies must be taken out before travelling to Denmark.
Please remember to contact your current insurance company to check how your current property, liability and accident insurance policies cover when you live and work in Denmark.

To facilitate access to health care for European citizens, the EU member states plus Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland have issued a European Health Insurance Card.

Find more information about the European Health Insurance Card.

You can apply for the Blue European Health Insurance Card here.

Seeing your general practitioner or going to hospital will be covered by the state if you show your personal health card (the yellow card).
In Denmark, you can also choose to take out additional private health insurance. Depending on the type, the private health insurance can cover visits to private hospital or medical specialists or even reimburse you a part of your medical expenses.

Private health insurance policies are taken out with private insurance companies or Sygesikringen Danmark. Fees vary depending on the insurance company.
The University of Southern Denmark will offer compensation if the university or a staff member commits negligence that causes damage to you, but not if it is a matter of unforeseen contingency. 
Please contact SDU's Legal Office for further information at

In Denmark most insurances are voluntary, but three types are mandatory by law.

  • Liability Insurance if you own a motor vehicle
  • Dog Insurance if you own a dog
  • Insurance against fire if you own real estate

It is furthermore advisable to take out basis family insurance such as an accident insurance and home insurance  covering thefts or damage to personal belongings at your home. This insurance will also cover you if you cause injury to other people or other peoples belongings.

Please find further information here or at

For official travel in connection with your job, e.g. attending a conference abroad, you will be covered by a special travel insurance agreement (in Danish: tjenesterejseforsikring) entered between the Danish State and Europæiske Rejseforsikring (a private travel insurance company).
Please contact Rejsekontoret to obtain your travel insurance at

Travel insurance issued by the University of Southern Denmark will only cover you while on official journeys. For private travel, you will need to take out a separate, private travel insurance policy yourself.
Europæiske Rejseforsikring offers supplementary, private travel insurance with deduction for University of Southern Denmark employees.

You can take out an unemployment insurance policy from an unemployment insurance fund, known as an “A-kasse”.

Unemployment insurance funds are private associations that are associated with trade unions and other professional organisations.
A membership of an unemployment insurance fund is voluntary in Denmark, and therefore, you are NOT automatically insured against unemployment.
It is possible to become a member of an unemployment insurance fund without being a member of the associated trade union.

You can become a member of an unemployment insurance fund if:

  • have between 18 and 2 until you reach the age of retirement
  • reside in Denmark (or another EU/EEA country and work in Denmark)

To be entitled to unemployment benefits, you must have been a member of an unemployment insurance fund for at least one year and you must be able to take work with one day's notice.

Joining an unemployment insurance fund only makes sense if you are from an EU/EEA country/Switzerland or your right to reside in Denmark extends beyond your letter of appointment and you can start work with one day`s notice. If you e.g. have a Greencard or an Establishment card, you can become a member of an unemployment insurance fund and earn the right to unemployment benefits.

If your residence and work permit is based on e.g. the pay limit scheme, you get an additional 6 months` residence permit for seeking a new job, after your work permit has expired, but because you will need a new work permit before you can start in a new job, you do not meet the condition of being able to start work with one day`s notice.

Please note that there are special rules for cross-border commuters.

For further information please follow this link.

You can also have a look at the websites for Magistrenes A-kasse and Akademikernes A-kasse which are relevant for academic staff.




Last Updated 27.07.2024