Cand.scient. Sabina Storbjerg Houmøller - 22.06.2021 - ph.d.-forsvar
"Self-Reported Hearing Aid Effectiveness in Patients with Age-Related Hearing Loss"
Dato og tid:
22.06.2021 kl. 16.00
Password er: cVBxMHkrZWRXaDZZQUJEZy85L0wz
Committee of Examiners:
Associate Professor AuD, PhD Jani Annette Johnsson
School of Communication Science and Disorders, The University of Memphis
Associate Professor, PhD Jonas Brännström
Logopedics, Phoniatrics, Audiology, Lund University
Associate Professor, M.D. Knud Larsen, Oto-rhino-laryngology (chairman)
Sydvestjysk Sygehus Esbjerg, SDU
Main supervisor:
Ass. Professor Jesper Schmidt
Department of Clinical Research, University of Southern Denmark