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IRS Sygehus Lillebælt

Tiltrædelsesseminar for klinisk professor Claus Varnum - 27. september 2024

”Hip and knee replacement today and tomorrow"

Date and time:

September 27, 2024, from 14:00 hrs. CEST


The Auditorium “Bjerget”
Vejle - Lillebaelt University Hospital
Beriderbakken 4
DK-7100 Vejle


On the occasion of Claus Varnum’s appointment as Clinical Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery, Department of Regional Health Research, University of Southern Denmark (SDU) and at Vejle Center for Orthopaedic Research (V-CORE), Lillebaelt Hospital - University Hospital of Southern Denmark, the Faculty of Health Sciences hereby invites you to attend an inaugural seminar with the following program:


14.00-14.05: Introduction and welcome

Uffe Holmskov, Vice Dean for Research and Innovation, Faculty of Health Sciences, SDU

14.05-14.45: “Hip and knee replacement: The patient, the implant, the future"

Clinical Professor Claus Varnum, PhD, Department of Regional Health Research, SDU and Vejle Center for Orthopaedic Research (V-CORE), Lillebaelt Hospital - University Hospital of Southern Denmark

14.45-15.25: “Evolution of registry-based studies for hip and knee replacement"

Professor Ove Furnes, Haukeland University Hospital of Bergen, Norway

15.25-15.35: Discussion and closing of the seminar

Kim Houlind, Head of the Department, Department of Regional Health Research, SDU


After the seminar, a reception will be held in the hall of the auditorium.

The Faculty of Health Sciences would like to invite all interested persons to attend the seminar and the following reception.

If you wish to participate, we kindly ask you to register here using the link no later than September 13, 2024.

For further information or questions, please contact


Best regards,

Uffe Holmskov
Vice Dean for Research and Innovation
Faculty of Health Sciences


Driving directions

Map of Vejle, Lillebaelt Hospital

Redaktionen afsluttet: 26.08.2024