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IRS Hospital Lillebælt Andreas Arnholdt Pedersen - August 2024 - PhD Oral Defence Session

"Nontuberculous Mycobacterial Infections in Denmark: Characterization of an Emerging Disease"

Date and time:

08-08-2024 at 14:00


Emil Aarestrup Auditorium
Klinikbygningen, Odense University Hospital
Sdr. Boulevard 29,
5000 Odense C

Committee of Examiners:

Prof. Dr. med. Dr. h.c. Christoph Lange
Respiratory Medicine & International Health, University of Lübeck

Consultant, PhD, associate professor Daniel Fauerholt-Jepsen
Department of Infectious Diseases, Rigshospitalet

Consultant, associate professor Finn Rasmussen (chair)
Department of pulmonary diseases, Esbjerg Hospital

Main supervisor:

Ole Hilberg
Department of Regional Health Research, University of Southern Denmark

Editing was completed: 05.07.2024