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Algorithm Section on IMADA

In recent years, the word "algorithms" has become part of everyone's vocabulary. When newscasters explain that some software is really amazing, they state that there is "intelligence" or "algorithms" in the product. The recent popularity of the word "algorithms" is well deserved. In fact, what is often referred to as "intelligence" in systems is really huge amounts of data combined with advanced algorithms for searching and computing based on this data.

Algorithms are at the core of Computer Science, so in addition to offering expertise in concrete application areas, a solid background in algorithms makes it easy to enter other subareas of Computer Science; also after graduation. In a fast moving field such as Computer Science, the ability to adapt to ever-changing circumstances is important for a successful career


Our algorithms students get interesting jobs immediately after graduating; most also choose to work part-time during their studies. They accept employment at universities from the University of Calgary in the west to the Indian Institute of Technology in the east. Most go to industry and start up their own business or join smaller companies or large, established enterprises in software houses, robotics, toys & games, banking, etc.

Most of our algorithms courses relate to the organization of large datasets, facilitating fast searching and computation, resource optimization, and area-specific algorithms and applications.


With regards to research, the current main focus of the group is cheminformatics, graph theory, and online algorithms, but we have also had significant impact in cryptology, data structures for external memory and distributed systems, and fixed parameter tractability. Our work gets published in top journals and conference proceedings.

The group is consulted by industry in the region, primarily via former students working for a company and acting as a liaison between the parties. International companies are involved in more large-scale grant applications in which the group participates.

Topics of research

  • Advice Complexity
  • Approximation Algorithms
  • Cheminformatics
  • Combinatorial Optimization
  • Complexity Theory
  • Cryptology
  • Data Structures
  • Exact algorithms and Heuristics
  • External Memory Algorithms and Data Structures
  • Fixed Parameter Tractability
  • Graph Theory and Algorithms
  • Online Algorithms

For more information, see

Funding and external collaborations/partners

Packing, Covering and Partitions of Digraphs

Jørgen Bang-Jensen (PI)
Marco Chiarandini, Anders Yeo
DKK 2,592,000
Independent Research Fund Denmark, Natural Sciences
2018 - 2020

Online Algorithms and Cheminformatics Meet Concurrency

Joan Boyar (PI)
Rolf Fagerberg, Lene M. Favrholdt, Kim S. Larsen, Daniel Merkle, Fabrizio Montesi
DKK 1,382,962
Independent Research Fund Denmark, Natural Sciences
2017 - 2020

Algorithmic Challenges

Kim S. Larsen (PI)
Joan Boyar, Rolf Fagerberg, Lene M. Favrholdt, Daniel Merkle, Peter Schneider-Kamp
DKK 1,036,800
Danish Council for Independent Research | Natural Sciences
2014 - 2017

On-Line Algorithms and Advice

Joan Boyar (PI)
Lene M. Favrholdt, Kim S. Larsen
DKK 2,900,101
Villum Foundation
2013 - 2017

Group members

Please go to, where the list of group members is up-to-date.

Contact person

Kim Skak Larsen


The Advice Complexity of a Class of Hard Online Problems.
Joan Boyar, Lene M. Favrholdt, Christian Kudahl, Jesper W. Mikkelsen.
Theory of Computing Systems 61(4): 1128-1177, 2017.

Better Bounds on Online Unit Clustering.
Martin R. Ehmsen and Kim S. Larsen.
Theoretical Computer Science 500: 1-24, 2013.

Logic Minimization Techniques with Applications to Cryptology.
Joan Boyar, Philip Matthews, René Peralta.
Journal of Cryptology 26(2): 280-312, 2013.

Total Domination of Graphs and Small Transversals of Hypergraphs.
Stéphan Thomasse, Anders Yeo.
Combinatorica 27(4): 473-487, 2007.

For more publications, see,


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Institut for Matematik og Datalogi

  • Campusvej 55
  • Odense M - DK-5230
  • Telefon: +45 6550 2387

Sidst opdateret: 23.08.2024