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The Centre for Industrial Electronics at SDU receives funding for three EUDP Projects

The Energy Technology Development and Demonstration Program (EUDP) has recently granted funds to three projects totalling over 36 million DKK, in which the Center for Industrial Electronics (CIE) is participating. This support marks a significant recognition of CIE's research and innovation efforts in green technology and energy efficiency.

By Sune Holst, , 6/27/2024

"We are incredibly proud to receive this support from EUDP. It is a recognition of our research and goal of promoting green technology and energy efficiency," says Professor Thomas Ebel, head of the Center for Industrial Electronics.

Thomas Ebel has every reason to be proud and pleased. CIE has received funding not just for one or two projects but for three projects. Common to the three projects that CIE has received support for is that industrial partners lead them and are directly aimed at developing technologies that contribute to the green transition.

"By improving the efficiency of energy conversion and creating new solutions for energy storage and management, these projects will not only help reduce energy consumption but also improve the reliability and sustainability of electrical systems. This makes them crucial pieces in the puzzle for a greener future," explains Thomas Ebel, while also extending thanks and congratulations to researchers Mohammad Sadegh Golsorkhi and Morten Nymand from CIE, who will each be critical players in their respective projects.

EUDP-supported projects at CIE

UltraHighEfficiency-HPC – Ultra-high Efficiency in DC-DC Converters for High Power Charging (HPC)

This project, with a grant of 9,976,467 DKK, aims to develop and demonstrate a new patented concept for 'soft switching' DC-DC energy conversion. The project addresses the growing need for high-power charging in electromobility and promises significant improvements in energy efficiency, market price, power per unit, carbon footprint, and reliability.

CUHiED - Competitive Frequency Converters with Ultra-High Efficiency
With a grant of 10,180,384 DKK, the CUHiED project will develop and demonstrate new energy conversion concepts for variable-speed electric drives. By leveraging advanced power electronic technologies, the project is expected to reduce energy losses in energy conversion by up to 50%, providing significant energy savings for customers.

PHESS - Pioneering High-Energy Supercapacitor System
The PHESS project, receiving 16,974,487 DKK in support, introduces a groundbreaking supercapacitor solution tailored for frequency regulation and grid stabilization. This technology, characterized by exceptional energy density and cost-efficiency, will enhance grid stability and promote sustainability.

Groundbreaking research and collaboration
The Center for Industrial Electronics at SDU is renowned for its world-class research in power electronics and its close collaboration with industrial partners. With the three EUDP grants, CIE can continue developing advanced technologies that will contribute to a more sustainable future.

About the Energy Technology Development and Demonstration Program (EUDP)
EUDP supports innovative energy technology projects that can contribute to a transition to a more sustainable energy system. The program funds projects that develop and demonstrate new energy technologies with the potential to become commercially viable and contribute to the green transformation of the energy system.

Editing was completed: 27.06.2024