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Research within chemical engineering and biotechnology

The Faculty of Engineerings research in areas of chemical engineering and biotechnology contributes to a greener, more efficient, and technologically advanced future.

We advance science and technology for a sustainable future. Our research includes optimizing biological processes for industry, enhancing reaction rates with catalysts, and developing novel materials for medicine and electronics. We focus on precise measurements to isolate compounds, understand biomolecular processes, and convert biomass into valuable products. We refine biogas for efficient energy use, employ membrane-based methods for nutrient separation, and innovate in water purification. Our work also includes synthetic biology, food science, creating pharmaceuticals, producing valuable proteins, and using 3D bioprinting for regenerative medicine.


Research areas

Analytical Chemistry and Biochemistry 

We are dedicated to the advancement ofpreparative and analytical chemistry. With a keen focus onisolation and quantification of both known and novel compounds, we delve into the intricate world of natural products, pharmaceuticals, and food additives. Our expertise lies in harnessing the power of sophisticated chromatographic, spectrometric, and spectroscopic techniques, complemented bybioactivity-guided methodologies.

Bioimaging and Biospectroscopy

We develop techniques and analysis methods to understand fundamental biomolecular processes that play crucial roles in human health and disease, we study proteins and lipids in tissue, plants, foods, microorganisms as well as organelles in mammalian cells. We do so by employing chemical principles and techniques to uncover the underlying molecular origins of these processes. We use fluorescence microscopy, label free Raman based techniques like CARS and SERS, advanced imaging modalities like all the available super-resolution microscopy techniques in combination with state-of-the-art analysis tools to do so.

Biogas Upgrading

Biomass is a limited resource and must therefore be utilized to the maximum. The researchers' focus is therefore on upgrading biogas and pyrolysis gas by methanation with hydrogen to methane, to displace fossil natural gas in the gas grid.

Biogas process optimization

The research area focused on Biorefinery and Biofuels aims to develop sustainable solutions for converting biomass/organic residuals into valuable products. Researchers explore innovative methods to extract biofuels and other high-value compounds from renewable resources, contributing to a greener future.

Chemical Engineering

The research at SDU-ChE is revolutionizing the process industries throughChemical and Biochemical Process Synthesis and Intensification. By focusing on the critical role of separation processes, they’re enhancing product quality and purity, which is vital for market competitiveness. Their innovative work spans the design and simulation of fluid separation processes, development of new distillation methods for complex separations, and the creation of intensified separation alternatives like divided wall columns. They’re also synthesizing hybrid flowsheets and applying advanced separation processes to sustainable manufacturing. With a keen eye on energy savings and cost reduction, their research is instrumental in improving existing chemical and biochemical plants, all while collaborating globally with industrial and academic partners.

Food Science

We conduct cutting-edge research in Membrane Separation Technology and Food Science and Technology to drive sustainable solutions. Membrane separation technology is essential for isolating and purifying bioactive compounds, crucial for developing functional food ingredients and enhancing food safety and quality.

Our expertise spans food processing, analysis, and culinary techniques, combining traditional and modern methods to investigate food from single molecules to complete products. We focus on extracting, identifying, and purifying active compounds and functional ingredients, optimizing these processes, and understanding the relationship between food’s chemical composition and its properties. This research benefits both the food industry and culinary preparation.

We aim to advance functional ingredients, food processing, and novel food products to promote health, well-being, and great taste. Our state-of-the-art equipment includes HPLC, GC, AAS for chemical analysis, and advanced microscopy techniques for detailed structural investigation.

Functional materials and nanotechnology

The Functional Materials and Nanotechnology field encompasses the development and study of novel nanomaterials. These materials are assembled into multifunctional structures, with applications in key technological areas. We develop novel materials for the health care sector and study how mammalian cells and tissue interact with those.

Pharmaceutical technology and biotechnology

Pharmaceutical technology and biotechnology encompass a diverse range of expertise. Researchers delve into novel technologies for creating pharmaceutics and cell therapies, formulate existing drugs, and devise methods for targeted drug delivery, including nanoparticles and controlled release systems. Their work spans the development of active pharmaceutical ingredients, crystal engineering, and enhanced dissolution rates for poorly water-soluble drugs

Protein Technology and Industrial Microbiology

We study proteins, enzymes, and microorganisms with industrial and pharmaceutical applications, using both traditional and advanced techniques to investigate and produce proteins and microorganisms.

Our research includes purifying, quantifying, identifying, and characterizing proteins and other biomolecules, as well as studying non-genetically and genetically modified microorganism to produce high-value products. Key research areas are functional and structural properties of proteins; microbial and enzymatic activities; drug and compound discovery; DNA technology; and production in bioreactors.

3D Bioprinting

3D bioprinting is a multidisciplinary research field that combines additive manufacturing, biology, and material sciences to create bioconstructs with three-dimensional architectures mimicking natural living tissues. It aims to fabricate parts imitating real tissue and organ functionalities by combining both living and non-living materials in specific three-dimensional spatial structures. The applications of 3D bioprinting span regenerative medicine, tissue engineering, reconstructive surgery, drug discovery, and basic cell-biology research.


Faculty of Engineering University of Southern Denmark

  • Campusvej 55
  • Odense M - 5230

Last Updated 18.09.2024