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SDU introduces a new Bachelor's degree programme in Medicine in Esbjerg

The government has just presented its proposal for a major reform of the healthcare system structure, which includes plans for a complete expansion of the medical programme in Esbjerg. With the establishment of a new Bachelor's degree programme in Medicine at the University of Southern Denmark in Esbjerg, both Bachelor's and Master's programmes in Medicine are expected to be offered from 2026. This is an important step in the effort to secure the provision of doctors in the South-West and Southern Jutland regions.

The Health Structure Reform is designed to address challenges in doctor coverage in the country’s outlying areas. A small but significant element is the expansion of the medical education programme in Esbjerg. As part of the reform, a new Bachelor's degree programme in Medicine is to be established at the University of Southern Denmark (SDU) in Esbjerg, with 50 student places available from 2026. This completes Esbjerg's role as a fully developed medical education hub for doctors in Southern Jutland.

The Master’s programme in Medicine in Esbjerg first opened in 2022 with 30 student places. As part of the government's rural district initiative from August this year, the government has proposed expanding the Master’s programme with an additional 20 places.

Training more doctors where they are needed

The establishment of the Bachelor’s programme is a crucial step towards addressing local recruitment challenges for doctors. In 2023, only 30% and 22% of advertised junior doctor positions in South-West and Southern Jutland, respectively, were filled. The programme is also a significant milestone that will enhance the local student environment in Esbjerg.

A major step for SDU in Esbjerg

Jens Ringsmose, Rector of the University of Southern Denmark, is thrilled by the recent development:

- A new Bachelor's degree programme in Medicine is a major step for SDU in Esbjerg. It supports the goal of training more doctors closer to the areas where they are most needed. At SDU, we strive every day to deliver the highest quality in both research and education. We do this because it creates value for and with society—and because it is the university’s core mission. The Medicine programme in Esbjerg has proven to be a success and highlights SDU's regional anchoring in the Region of Southern Denmark. It is a pleasure that this anchoring is now further strengthened with the opportunity to complete the entire medical degree programme in both Southern Jutland and Odense.

Strengthened collaboration with the healthcare sector

Anna-Marie Bloch Münster, Acting Managing Director and Medical Director at Esbjerg and Grindsted Hospital, views the Bachelor's programme as a natural extension of the already successful collaboration between the university and the region’s hospitals:

- We have already had great success with our clinical department model in the Master's programme, where students are attached to specific departments at the hospital during their studies. This has not only improved the students’ clinical skills and developed their roles as doctors but also strengthened their connection to the healthcare sector in our area. With the establishment of the Bachelor's programme, we can strengthen our practice-oriented approach to medical education with a more cohesive educational pathway, giving students the opportunity to build strong clinical, practice-based skills through the clinical department model. This will not only ensure better doctor coverage in the region but also create an even stronger bond between students and patients in Southern Jutland.

Education Esbjerg: “The supply chain is complete”

At Education Esbjerg, a partner organisation that connects students, educational institutions, businesses, and the municipality, Director Lone Saaby is also pleased:

- First and foremost, a big thank you goes to the government and the Minister for the Interior and Health, Sophie Løhde, for the reform proposal and a perfect extension of the rural district initiative by increasing the number of places in the Master's programme. It is a fantastic step forward that Esbjerg now has a complete medical education programme. With the establishment of the Bachelor's degree programme in Medicine, we can now train doctors from start to finish in the city, thus completing the supply chain. We are very much looking forward to welcoming many new students from 2025.

An important reform that strengthens local healthcare

Jesper Frost Rasmussen, Mayor of Esbjerg, also welcomes the establishment of the Bachelor's degree programme in Medicine:

- Today, the government has presented a major and important reform that tackles some of the biggest challenges in the healthcare system. In this context, it is particularly encouraging that the need to train more doctors outside the major university cities is also highlighted. With the complete medical degree programme in Esbjerg, we increase the likelihood of attracting and retaining more doctors in South-West Jutland. This will significantly contribute to strengthening local healthcare, benefiting all residents in our region.

Editing was completed: 18.09.2024