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New grants

Researchers from the Faculty of Business and Social Sciences receive DKK 9.1 million from the Carlsberg Foundation

Six researchers at the Faculty of Business and Social Sciences at SDU receive a share of this year’s Carlsberg grants. The researchers will thus have the opportunity to pursue new research ideas and also to finish ongoing research.

By Marlene Jørgensen, , 12/4/2020

The support that entrepreneurs encounter in an offline context has a big impact on their well-being and behaviour, but what happens when the activity enters the social media?

How to build a society with more just policies across generations?

Why do EU legislators regularly reach legislative compromises behind closed doors when they have committed themselves to the opposite?

How do Europeans aged 50 and above view important issues in an ageing Denmark and Europe, and what policy measures may address the challenges?

Four researchers at the Faculty of Business and Social Sciences at SDU now receive a Carlsberg grant to explore these research questions, while two researchers receive a grant for infrastructure and conferences.

First Young Researcher Fellowship to the Faculty of Business and Social Sciences

For the first time, one of the prestigious Young Researcher Fellowships goes to a researcher at the faculty. Associate Professor Mette Søgaard Nielsen from the Department of Entrepreneurship and Relationship Management receives the grant, which is given to young, outstanding researchers so that they can establish their own research group.

Mette Søgaard Nielsen has received DKK 4.5 million for her project ‘Support exchange: The effect on entrepreneurial performance in an uncontrollable online world’.

The project focuses on how entrepreneurs can handle positive and negative exchanges online – both mentally and financially. Read more about the project here.

Others who also receive grants

Professor Jørgen T. Lauridsen from the Department of Business and Economics has received DKK 2.5 million from the Carlsberg Foundation Research Infrastructure for the Danish part of a European survey ‘SHARE (Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe)’.

The grant will be used to collect the remaining project data among Danes aged 50 and above on their ageing, health and socio-economic conditions. Read more here.

In addition, Professor Pieter Vanhuysse and Professor wsr Christilla Roederer-Rynning, both from the Department of Political Science and Public Management, each receive a grant for a monograph.

Pieter Vanhuysse receives DKK 1,009,000 for his project ‘Building sustainable societies with intergenerationally just policies? A multidimensional analysis for Denmark and 31 OECD countries, 1995-2015’. Read more about the project here.

Christilla Roeder-Rynning receives DKK 904,000 for her project ‘Passage to bicameralism? Probing Europe’s legislative power’. Read more about the project here.

The last two grant recipients at this year’s awards ceremony are Professor Peter Sandholt Jensen and Professor Paul Sharp from the Department of Business and Economics.

Peter Sandholt Jensen receives just over DKK 80,000 for research infrastructure in connection with the project ‘Socio-economic Effects of Vaccines’, which you can read about here.

And finally, Paul Sharp receives DKK 60,000 for the conference ‘Ninth CEPR Economic History Symposium’, which you can read about here.

This year, a total of DKK 9.1 million have been awarded from the Carlsberg Foundation for research and new projects at the Faculty of Business and Social Sciences.

Editing was completed: 04.12.2020