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Researchers receive millions from The Danish Council for Independent Research

The Danish Council for Independent Research funds research projects to help launch ground-breaking research with implications for society and businesses. Five researchers from The Faculty of Business and Social Sciences at The University of Southern Denmark are awarded a share of the grants.

Five of the 21 grants recently awarded by The Danish Council for Independent Research in the category Social Sciences go to researchers from The Faculty of Business and Social Sciences at The University of Southern Denmark.

One project aims to design intelligent feedback systems that can help organisations manage their innovation processes more effectively.

Another project will study the effects of public health policies directed against tuberculosis in the time before modern medicine. This will contribute to the debate on the role of public policy in relation to the decline in tuberculosis, and whether improved public health is good for economic development.

Nina Legind, Vice-Dean for Research at The Faculty of Business and Social Sciences, says about the grants from the Council:

- The grants from The Danish Council for Independent Research is an important seal of approval. The grants demonstrate that the Faculty has strong research environments that can attract competitive funds. Researchers and the Faculty's research support unit have made considerable efforts in connection with these applications, and we are very satisfied with the result.

Grant recipients at The Faculty of Business and Social Sciences

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Oliver Baumann receives DKK 3,758,688 for the project: Controlling Innovation in Complex Organizations. Oliver is associate professor at the Department of Marketing & Management

Davide Marchiori is awarded DKK 3,330,327 for the project: Learning in dynamic environments: How we adapt to change – LEADER. Davide is associate professor at the Department of Marketing & Management

Peter Sandholt Jensen receives DKK 3,099,383 for the project: The white death, public policy and development. He is professor at the Department of Business and Economics.

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Arjen van Dalen is awarded DKK 1,380,960 for the project: Algorithmic gatekeepers - the impact of news selection algorithms on the quality of public debate. He is associate professor at the Department of Political Science and Public Management.

Annette Olesen receives DKK 783,909 for the project: Barriers to justice: How vulnerable persons comprehend, voice and act upon justiciable problems. Annette has been employed by Aalborg University.


  • The Danish Council for Independent Research invests approximately DKK 58 million in independent research in the category Social Sciences and a total of DKK 633 million in new research ideas.
  • The Council gives researchers the opportunity to test an original idea without any academic or thematic limitations.
  • The research funds are awarded to one or more researchers who want to explore important scientific issues developed from the researchers' own ideas.

Read more about the projects on the Council’s website The Danish Council for Independent Research | Social Sciences. You can also read the press release (in Danish) from the Council.

Editing was completed: 05.05.2017