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Digital PhD Diploma

The PhD certificate is the documentation that shows that you are a PhD graduate from SDU.

The PhD certificate is prepared by the university, according to guidelines described in the rules.

Your PhD certificate from SDU is issued as a series of PDF documents. It consists of 2 documents:

  • Certificate cover with degree statement
  • Programme insert

We strive for you to be able to access your digital PhD certificate within a month – however, this may vary in connection with the summer holidays or the like.


All pages in the personal documents are secured with an embedded verification link that allows the recipient of the certificate to view the document directly from SDU’s server.
In this way, SDU achieves a high degree of certainty in relation to the use of the digital certificate, and the recipient achieves a high degree of certainty that the received certificate is genuine.

A valid digital certificate must contain a verification link. If the link is removed from the certificate, the certificate is no longer valid documentation of degree and results from SDU.

SDU stores a copy of your certificate on the University’s secure server. A verification link will be embedded in the issued certificate. If the person you are sending the certificate to clicks on the link, he or she will be able to view the original certificate, downloaded directly from the University’s server. The certificate recipient can only view the original of the document found via the verification link, no other content in the Digital Certificate Mailbox.

In the Digital Certificate Mailbox, you can forward your certificate directly from SDU’s server to one or more email recipients. SDU will be listed as the sender of the email.

In the Digital Certificate Mailbox, you can grant time-limited access to third parties.

How to grant time-limited access:

  • Choose the documents the third party needs to view
  • Select the period during which the documents must be visible
  • Enter one or more email addresses to which the access link will be sent.

You can view the following in the Digital Certificate Mailbox:

  • who you sent documents to
  • when you sent the documents to others
  • who and what you have granted access to
  • when you have granted access
  • whether the person has retrieved any of the items you have granted access to


Last Updated 27.07.2024