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Computational & Organisational Cognition (CORG)



Cowley, S. Keynote speaker at the CILC IV conference in Hawaii - on Education, Enskillment and Technology.

Secchi, D. & Herath, G. B. (2018). Organisation-cognition fit in recruitment processes. an agent-based model application. In Social Simulation Conference: Stockholm, Sweden.

Secchi, D., Siebers, P.-O., & Herath, D. B. (2018). Organisational plasticity: A community modelling experience. In Social Simulation Conference: Stockholm, Sweden.

Secchi, D. (2018b). Roundtable. In Symposium: From cases to general principles–theory development through agent-based modeling: Hanover, Germany.

Beatty, E. L., & Ørskov, P. T. (2018). Mindware vs problem recognition: Can we improve base rate performance? 11th London Reasoning Workshop. Birkbeck College, University of London, London, U.K.

Secchi, D. & Beatty, E. (2018b). Understanding individual social responsibility in the changing business environment. In IESE 20th IESE Symposium of Ethics, Business and Society: Barcelona, Spain.

Secchi, D. (2018). Simulare processi di cognizione distribuita in contesti organizzativi. In Simulazioni sociali e scienze cognitive – Trentennale della rivista Sistemi Intelligenti: Torino, Italy.

Secchi, D. & Beatty, E. (2018a). Exploring the foundations of individual social responsibility: an empirical and agent-based simulation enquiry. In European Academy of Management Annual Conference: Reykjavik, Island.

Seri, R. & Secchi, D. (2018). A power primer for agent-based simulation models. Determining the number of runs in linear and polynomial regression. In European Academy of Management Annual Conference: Reykjavik, Island.


Davide Secchi is chair of the Organizational Cognition Track (OB SIG) and the Multi-Methods Track (RMRP SIG) at EURAM 2017 and invites you to submit your papers.

You can find the tracks here:


CORG was at EURAM (the European Academy of Management) annual conference with a track on Organisational Cognition: Theories, Applications, and Advancements. EURAM 2016, Paris:


CORG was at CHIAS IV, the Center for Human Interactivity symposium on Social Agency and Interactivity, September 14-15, SDU, Odense.

Last Updated 05.08.2024