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Computational & Organisational Cognition (CORG)

Meso-level analysis

The meso level, also called social organising is the starting point for studies on cognition in organisations—to those who employ a distributed approach.

It is not strictly centred on the individual nor is it on macro aspects (e.g., culture, strategy). Instead, it focuses on exploring the mechanisms with which cognition distributes among individuals (Secchi & Cowley, 2016).

Some work has been published already on this aspect with reference to peer review and perceived scientific value (Secchi & Cowley, 2018). Another, more extensive body of research has been published on aspects of rationality and decision making that are affected by the social interactions in organisations (e.g., docility; Secchi, 2011; Secchi & Bardone, 2009; Bardone & Secchi, 2017; Secchi, 2009).

Finally, by studying a meeting and its dynamics, other members have developed an extensive matrix for the intepretation of distributed cognitive clues (Jensen, Secchi, & Jensen, 2015).


Last Updated 05.08.2024