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Computational & Organisational Cognition (CORG)

Psycho-cognitive mechanisms

Interaction between cognition and psychology has always been recognised as extremely important by scientists (starting with Newell and Simon’s work on human problem solving, 1972).

Most times, it is very hard to separate the two aspects but, by exploring their interactions and potential cross-fertilisation, one may be able to unveil interesting effects.

Some of CORG’s members have already worked on these aspects, with particular interest on corporate social responsibility thinking and behavior at the employee level (Secchi & Beatty, 2018; Secchi, 2009).

Another line of research include an extensive study on cognitive improvements, based on intervention at school for children of various ages (this is Erin Beatty and Per Ørskov’s velux funded project).

Finally, a study in cooperation with the company Thornico has been going on for several years through the former CROSScom centre. In the context of CORG, cooperation between us is bringing towards testing identity and socially responsible thinking among employees (this involves Astrid Jensen, Anders Klitmøller, and Davide Secchi).


Last Updated 05.08.2024