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Computational & Organisational Cognition (CORG)

Computational Simulation in Organizations

Coordinator: Davide Secchi 

The Research Unit  'Computational Simulation in Organizations' is an international community of academics interested in using mathematical and computational methods in organizational research. The community is an informal network of people who meet at international workshops and conferences and work together on various organizational topics. We are spread over most countries in Europe, China, and India. Most research efforts have been on agent-based simulation and modeling.


We have organized two workshops so far. The workshop Modelling Organisational Behaviour and Social Agency was in January 2014 (UK) and its contributions are now published in the book by Secchi & Neumann (2016), Agent-Based Simulation of Organizational Behavior, New York, Springer.

The workshop Agent-Based Models of Bounded Rationality came in May 2015 and was hosted by COMAC and SDU in Slagelse. A special issue on the topic is forthcoming in the academic journal Team Performance Management. Details on this event are available here:


If you want to have more information about this RU, future events, and getting involved, then email Davide Secchi at

Sidst opdateret: 20.07.2022