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The main theme of the conference is activating teaching and  learning which are the fundamental principles at the University of Southern Denmark, SDU. The conference intends to support practitioners’ mutual inspiration and present knowledge and experiences on how students’ learning is enhanced in accordance with the fundamental principles of SDU.

This year we direct our attention to Supervision.

We have become better at making the teaching space less private by exchanging ideas for teaching methods, inviting colleagues to observe, and discussing our teaching with others in general. However, it is not that common to talk with colleagues at lunch about effective supervision methods or to sit in on supervision sessions to find inspiration for your own supervision practices. Supervision remains a private matter between the supervisor and the one(s) being supervised.

But if we are to develop supervision (and supervisors), it is important that we also open the supervision space and make visible to ourselves, each other, and the students what is happening in the supervision situation. This is what we are aiming for with this year's special theme for TAL, namely Supervision. What is the purpose of supervision, what prerequisites does the one being supervised have, what prerequisites do you as a supervisor have, what supervision activities/methods can be used, in which framework does supervision take place, etc.? Participate in the exchange of experience on questions like these (and probably others as well!) and help open the supervision space for yourself and others!


The conference target group is primarily employees at SDU and the University Colleges in the region. Meanwhile, the conference is open to everyone and abstracts and sign ups from participants from other national universities and other educational institutions are more than welcome.

Date and time

Thursday 7 November 2024 - 09:30-15:00

Location and address

Auditorium O100 
SDU Odense
Campusvej 55
5230 Odense M

SDU map and parking  -  info on the light rail/tram

 Gitte Wichmann-Hansen

Senior Researcher at DPU, Aarhus University, and owner of the consultancy Academic Supervision


1. Opening keynote: How to balance guidance and independence in supervision.

Balancing guidance and independence in supervision is a key challenge, irrespective of the thesis level, be it at the bachelor’s, master’s, or PhD level. On one hand, supervisors are expected to provide enough guidance for students to produce high-quality theses within the expected timeframe. On the other hand, supervisors should facilitate student independence by allowing them to experience their own research journey – including making mistakes. In this opening keynote, conference participants will get research-based concrete advice on how to strike a balance between these two seemingly conflicting interests.


2. Closing keynote: Collective Supervision – why and how?

Supporting independence is especially challenging in modern supervision with increased student diversity, well-being issues, and time pressure for students as well as supervisors. In this closing keynote, Gitte Wichmann-Hansen will address how to overcome some of these challenges by using Collective Supervision as a supplement to traditional individual supervision. Recent research shows that collective meeting formats have the potential to increase students’ progress and learning while making it more enjoyable and less stressful for supervisors. The talk will include concrete hands-on tools for how to plan and implement collective supervision, including how to organize the supervisory meetings with peer feedback.


09:00 Coffee and rolls
09:30 Welcome
09:45 Keynote Gitte Wichmann-Hansen – Supervision and independence
10:30 Break/posters
11:00 Parallel sessions 1, posters and short communications
12:15 Sandwich lunch
13.00 Parallel session 2, workshops and short communications
14:00 Break/posters
14:15 Keynote Gitte Wichmann-Hansen – Cluster supervision
14:45 Closing remarks
15:00 See you again next year


Conference language

Keynote will be in English. The parallel sessions, morning and afternoon, will be in either Danish or English.

The objective of the conference is to provide for the participants an opportunity to

  • share, document, demonstrate, reason and analyse their own examples of activating teaching and learning.
  • be inspired to develop their own practice of activating teaching and learning.


In the parallel sessions  we invite you to share your teaching experiences regarding the following tracks:

TAL2024 main theme: Teaching for active learning
TAL2024 special focus: Supervision - presentations could cover e.g.:

  • How do you organize cluster supervision?
  • How do you integrate peer feedback and supervision?
  • What are the advantages of introducing rubrics in supervision situations?
  • When (and why) do you use digital methods in your supervision?
  • The best questioning technique to promote independence in the student.
  • Your experience with different ways of aligning expectations.
  • Your experience with different supervision models (e.g., the teaching model, the apprenticeship model, the partnership model).
  • Your experience with the supervisor role (e.g., the academic, the consultant, or parent).
  • Your experience with supervisor styles (e.g., coaching, contract-oriented, laissez-faire, goal-oriented).


Formats for contributions

  • Short communication: each presenter will have 10 minutes to share an experience and reflections, followed by 10 minutes of discussion.
  • Posters: will be presented on Campustorvet  with 5 minutes' individual presentation followed by a short discussion of each poster.
  • Workshops: will be approx. 60 minutes. 



Abstracts must be submitted in Word format - deadline 30 May.

Please download and use these templates:

Students are welcome to contribute a presentation with a teacher from SDU, UC or other higher education institutions.


Contributors to TAL2024 will be invited to also contribute to the conference proceedings. 

SDU Centre for Teaching and Learning

Lotte Dyhrberg O'Neill, Associate Professor,
Rie Troelsen, Head of Unit,


Questions regarding practical matters can be directed to Sofie Rothmann,


Deadline: 1 November 2024

Click here


New deadline: 1 August 2024

Click here


Click here

Last Updated 12.06.2024