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The Faculty of Health Sciences welcomes exchange and guest students at the Bachelor’s and Master’s levels. We offer many options to design an exchange or guest stay fitting your degree programme. You will study at our outstanding facilities at the campus in Odense or Esbjerg.

Exchange and guest students

You can see the full list of courses offered for exchange students here. The list contains both Bachelor- and Master-level courses, so read the course descriptions carefully to see if you fulfil the prerequisties.

For course-related questions, please contact

Autumn semester: 1 September to 31 January. Exams in January.

Spring semester: 1 February to 30 June. Exams in June.

View the Academic Calendar and vacation days here.

Quarter structure at the Faculty of Health Sciences 

The semester is divided into quarters at the Faculty of Health Sciences. Courses are either located on the first quarter (September-November and February-April) or the second quarter (November-January and April-June).

A quarter consists of 7 teaching weeks and 2 examination weeks.

General prerequisites from home university:

  • Bachelor and Master courses: 2 years of relevant studies (min. 80 ECTS when applying / min. 120 ECTS at the start of the exchange.


3rd year bachelor students can apply for Master courses.

As a Nordic student, you can also enroll in courses taught in Danish 

Entry requirements at the Faculty of Health Sciences can be found here - information about language requirements here

You can read about being an exchange student at SDU and how to apply as an exchange student here.

You can design your own study plan and choose among all courses in the course list as long as you meet any academic prerequisites.

Expect possible course changes if there are course overlaps in your final timetable. This especially applies if you choose courses from different academic areas, for example Psychology and Sports Science. It can also be an issue if you choose more than one course in the same quarter.  

The semester is divided into quarters at the Faculty of Health Sciences. Courses are located on the first quarter (September-November; February-April) and the second quarter (November-January; April-June).

A quarter consists of 7 teaching weeks and 2 examination weeks.

As an exchange student, you yourself are responsible for finding the courses requested by your home university. The course list contains direct links to the respective course descriptions as well as course codes making this process easier for you. Course codes go by the names "Course ID" or "UVA-kode".

For course-related questions, please contact

As a general rule, you follow the courses you are enrolled in. However, in special cases, you can change courses until two weeks after the semester starts.  

If you have to change courses, please contact SDU International.  

It will be possible to follow max. 10 ECTS at another faculty. It has to be approved by the faculty offering the course. Please pay attention to timetable conflicts.

Please contact SDU International. 

The workload of a semester for exchange students is limited to:

  • Overseas students: exactly 30 ECTS credits
  • EU students: minimum 20 ECTS, maximum 30 ECTS

Timetables will be available approx. 1,5 month prior to semester start at the earliest. For the Spring semester, timetables are normally available in mid-December. For the Autumn semester, timetables are normally available in mid-June.

To see timetables and course material, use your SDU-login to acces the online learning platform Itslearning

It is possible to do a Master or Bachelor Thesis at the Faculty of Health Sciences, as long as the relevant programme can offer a supervisor within the subject. Please note that there is no guarantee to be accepted.

Writing a thesis at the Faculty of Health Sciences does not entitle you to get a degree from SDU. As an exchange student at SDU, you will most likely also have to defend your thesis at your home university.

Yes, it is possible to stay as an exchange student for two semesters if your home university allows it.
It is not recommended to arrive late for introduction and semester start. All important information will be given during introduction days in the beginning of the semester. If you for some reason cannot attend the introduction days we would like you to inform us before arrival.
Exams at the Faculty of Health Sciences vary a great deal depending on the study programme. Some examples include satisfactory participation during lectures, attendance, essay, home assignment, combined test, laboratory assignments, log book, multiple choice, oral exam, portfolio, objective structural clinical examination (medicine), practical skills, written report, synopsis. 
All exchange students will be allowed to register for re-examinations within the same exam period. However, the actual date of the re-examination might be in the beginning of the following semester.

The teaching method at the Faculty of Health Sciences vary depending on the study programme. There are lectures, group work, dialogue between teacher and student, MCQ, TBL, case-based learning etc. This makes it possible to activate and engage students in learning.

Students are urged to speak freely and take part in discussions as well as to ask questions for a better understanding. So please expect more than just to sit and listen to the teacher.

Medicine students

Medicine student from a partner university?

Read more here

Courses for exchange students

Courses offered in English

For Nordic students

Nordic students can also attend courses taught in Danish

For Nordic students

Internships at OUH

Non-partner students who are planning an internship at OUH without assistance from University of Southern Denmark

Internships at OUH

Last Updated 28.07.2024