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Surveys and analysis

SDU uses two forms of survey and analysis:

Student-oriented studies

From when students arrive at SDU and until after they have graduated, they are invited to participate in a number of surveys conducted by SDU.  These are the following studies:


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Each time a student evaluation is completed, an action plan is prepared. It describes what initiatives and measures the evaluation results in. Read more about the individual student-oriented studies:

SDU conducts a number of bridge-building activities and student recruitment events, such as Open House events, study practices and test-based admission. The activities are continuously evaluated to improve their quality.

The evaluations are carried out by the units and faculties responsible for the individual activity.

In connection with commencing studies, a questionnaire survey is carried out among all new Bachelor, Master and professional Bachelor students. It examines the students' general satisfaction and perception of the start of their studies at SDU.

The study is carried out by Central Administration across all faculties.

In addition, several faculties and programmes carry out other types of study commencement/welcome studies. They focus on faculty and teaching-specific issues.

Throughout the programme, the student is asked to evaluate the educational elements that are part of the programme. Educational elements include all elements that are covered by the programme regulations, such as:

  • Teaching (subjects, courses and modules)
  • Guidance-led courses (including Bachelor projects and Master’s theses)
  • Project-oriented courses and commercial courses
  • Compulsory study abroad
  • Internships and clinical placements


It is the individual faculties and programmes that determine when and how the educational elements must be evaluated.

When the students have just completed (or are close to completing) their course of study, a questionnaire survey is conducted. It examines the students' satisfaction and experience of their overall education in relation to aspects such as teaching, exams and student involvement.

The survey is carried out by the faculties, but based on a questionnaire, with multiple questions for all the faculties.

Every second year, a joint study environment survey (also known as the SES), is conducted among all students at SDU. It examines the students' experience and satisfaction with the physical, aesthetic and virtual conditions as well as the mental and social frameworks.

Read more about the study environment survey.

At least every three years, a survey is conducted among SDU's graduates. It must ensure that graduates can provide feedback on the programmes based on the posts they have taken up in the job market.

It is the individual faculties that determine when and how the graduate studies must be carried out.

Studies involving external stakeholders

In addition to the student-oriented studies, systematic evaluations of each programme are carried out with the involvement of external stakeholders. Read more about the individual surveys:

All degree programmes must have ongoing and systematic dialogue with the programme recipients. This means that for each programme, a customer panel is set up consisting of representatives from public and private companies where the graduates from the programme typically find work. The advisory panel meets regularly with Programme Management and discusses various topics related to the programme, such as its content and relevance to the labour market.

Read more about the individual programmes’ advisory panels on the faculties' websites regarding programme quality.

At least every six years, an evaluation of each individual programme at SDU is carried out, with the aim of developing the programme with the involvement of external experts.

As SDU, external experts are understood to be:

  • External persons with a great deal of knowledge about the academic content of the programme and the context of the programme
  • External persons who can contribute an interdisciplinary perspective on the programme


The evaluation focuses on the overall programme and is carried out by the faculties in accordance with shared SDU principles.

Education Strategy University of Southern Denmark

  • Campusvej 55
  • Odense M - DK-5230

Last Updated 28.05.2024