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We can and will realise our vision

For years, we have created the right foundation to achieve our vision and the associated ambitions. The University of Southern Denmark is a world-class university deeply rooted in the Region of Southern Denmark. We have a multi-campus structure and five strong faculties under one roof. Across all our faculties, we already have the optimal framework for interdisciplinary collaborations based on research at the highest international level. Top-level research is the starting point for our education programmes and the value creation we offer our surroundings.

It’s all about courage and ambition. We have always had a clear focus on collaboration with society, based on a productive balance between curiosity-driven basic research and more application-orientated research and innovation. We consider this to a responsibility that we are happy to assume. We must deliver research that benefits society.

At the same time, we have a broad education portfolio characterised by proximity between researchers and students. We use it to experiment with new formats and offerings that unleash the students’ potentials.

Editing was completed: 02.11.2023