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PhD Oral Defence Session Mathias Amdi Hertz - June 4, 2024 - PhD Oral Defence Session

"Urinary tract infections in Danish emergency departments – characteristics and diagnostic values of urine analysis and novel inflammatory markers."

Date and time:

04-06-2024 at 14:00


Room 1+2, Entrance 93
Odense University Hospital
Kløvervænget 6
5000 Odense

Committee of Examiners:

Associate professor, MD, ph.d. Magnus Paulsson
Division of Infection Medicine, Department of Clinical Sciences, Lund University

Overlæge, lektor Rikke Krogh-Madsen
Klinisk institut, Københavns Universitet

Professor, ph.d., dr. med. Niels Nørskov-Lauritsen
Klinisk Institut, Det Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakultet, SDU (chair)

Main supervisor:

Professor Isik Somuncu Johansen
Department of Clinical Research, University of Southern Denmark

Editing was completed: 17.05.2024