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About the department

The course of the year

An overview of annual recurring initiatives and events at the Department of Regional Health Research

Recruitment takes place continuously throughout the year, and job interviews are scheduled as needed. The recruitment officer pre-book interview dates for the hiring committee at the beginning of the recruitment process (as far as possible), while the PA for the head of department finalizes the interview scheduling once the position evaluations are available. The Department of Regional Health Research sends out interview invitations.

Status meetings are held with the managements of the respective hospitals. The participants usually include the medical director, possibly the nursing director or CEO, the head of department, and the coordinating head of research. These meetings generally follow a predefined agenda. The Department of Regional Health Research sends out invitations for these meetings.

Here is the frequency of status meetings at different hospitals:

Lillebælt Hospital: Every other month, alternating between the Kolding and Vejle locations.

Hospital South West Jutland: Four times a year.

Hospital Sønderjylland: Four times a year.

Mental Health Services in the Region of Southern Denmark: Twice a year.

The Epilepsyhospital Filadelfia: Once a year.

Næstved, Slagelse, Ringsted Hospitals: Twice a year.

Zealand University Hospital: 1-2 times a year.

Holbæk Hospital: As needed.

Nykøbing Falster Hospital: As needed.

  1. The hospitals hold internal research events 1-2 times a year. These events are primarily aimed at internal researchers. Representatives from hospital management, coordinating research leaders, research directors, and the head of department participate whenever possible.
  2. Open Researcher Day (Region of Southern Denmark) and Research Day (Region Zealand). These events are held once a year for internal and external researchers and collaborators. Broad participation is encouraged.
  3. The Department of Regional Health Research, IRS, organizes events with the Department of Clinical Research and other departments at SUND/SDU on topics of mutual interest as needed.
  4. The Department of Regional Health Research, IRS, organizes research and networking events for researchers, educators, and administrative staff either employed by IRS or in close collaboration with IRS, as needed and upon request. Events are announced through newsletters, the IRS website, and LinkedIn page.
Held twice a year - in spring and autumn. Focus on networking and workshops providing "tools" for young researchers. Organized by the associate head of department in collaboration with PhD students, postdocs, and assistant professors. Thematic days is announced through newsletters, the IRS website, LinkedIn, and Outlook, and requires registration. Participation is free of charge.

"Institutforum" is open to everyone in IRS.

"Institutforum" takes place twice a year.

  • Spring (ideally in May): The forum focuses on a specific theme with both external and internal speakers. The theme is determined by the IRS Leadership Team. The emphasis is on networking, and a communal meal is provided. Researchers within IRS also contribute to the organization of the event.
  • Autumn (ideally in November): The forum revolves around a chosen theme and features both external and internal speakers. Awards may be presented, such as the best PhD presentation or the best primary supervisor. Researchers within IRS also assist in arranging the event.

A communal meal is included. "Institutforum" is announced through newsletters, the IRS website, LinkedIn, and Outlook, and registration is required. Participation is free of charge.

The Department Council Meetings bring together the head of department, the vice head of department, coordinating heads of research, administrative staff, and two PhD students, as stated in the IRS leadership mandate. The series of meetings consists of 6 meetings per year, with the majority held in Odense to accommodate the geographical distribution. The meetings are primarily conducted in person, but virtual participation is also possible. On two occasions, visits to hospitals can be arranged for tours or similar activities. The latter may require longer meetings. The head of department of IRS is responsible for convening the meetings.

IRS and KI organize various courses and introduction days for prospective and current employees of IRS and KI. Some courses may also be open to external individuals.

  • Pedagogical course for clinical associate professors held twice a year.
  • Pre PhD course for prospective Ph.D. students held twice a year.
  • Various courses on article writing and teaching (WRITE courses), including thesis writing, English grammar, etc. These courses are tailored to specific needs and complement the offerings of the Ph.D. School.
  • Introduction days for new Ph.D. students held five times a year.
  • Responsible Conduct of Research course held twice a year.
  • Courses and development opportunities targeted at research leaders are offered on an ongoing basis as per the need.
  • Courses are offered based on demand and are announced on the website and through newsletters.

The coordinating head of research conducts Leadership Development Reviews (LUS) with the heads of research at their own hospital, preferably in the first half of the year.

Additionally, the head of department holds Leadership Development Reviews (LUS) with the coordinating head of research at the end of June and/or in August.

LUS serves as the equivalent of the performance and development review (MUS) between the head of department and the coordinating head of research. The head of department is responsible for scheduling LUS with the coordinating head of research.

To learn more about MUS, GRUS, and LUS at SDU, please visit the SDU website.

Once a year, IRS employees with a minimum employment of 15% are offered an performance and development review (MUS). The responsibility for conducting MUS has been delegated to the coordinating head of research at the respective hospitals. The coordinating head of research offers MUS to their heads of research, and the local heads of research offer and conduct MUS with research staff in their respective research units (those who wish to have a MUS). Coordinating head of research and head of research schedule the meetings locally as needed or desired.

To learn more about MUS, GRUS, and LUS at SDU, please see the SDU website.

Status meetings with researchers are held prior to extensions of employment contracts (typically every 3 years) for researchers at the associate professor and professor levels. The meetings are attended by the medical/nursing director, coordinating head of research, the head of department, departmental management (chief physician/chief nurse), and head of research. Similar intervals of status meetings are aimed for in the case of permanent employment. The Department of Regional Health Research calls for these meetings.

Strategy meetings - hospitals

These meetings take place 1-2 times per year at the respective hospitals. Participants include hospital management, coordinating head of research, the head of department, and the heads of research . The hospitals are responsible for convening the meetings.

Strategy meetings - IRS Research Leadership Group

The IRS organizes strategy seminars for the IRS Research Leadership Group as needed, but at least once every two years. Heads of research, other employees, and collaborators are invited as necessary. These seminars are arranged within the IRS Research Leadership Group.

Inaugural seminars occur continuously at the respective hospitals. If possible, a representative from hospital management attends. Coordinating head of research, the head of department, and the Vice Dean participate in professorial inauguration seminars.

  • Newly appointed professors
  • Newly appointed adjunct professors

The faculty and the department host and organize professorial inauguration seminars in collaboration with the respective hospitals. For more information, please refer to the appointment procedures for professors and adjunct professors.

Education meetings are scheduled as needed at the respective hospitals in the Region of Southern Denmark, where pre-graduate education takes place. Participants include a representative from hospital management, coordinating heads of research, coordinating clinical associate professors involved in teaching, possibly a representative from SUND Education, and the head of department. If necessary, the Department of Regional Health Research arranges these meetings.


Last Updated 27.07.2024