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Project period

1. March 2020 – 28. February 2023


Due to the rising sea levels and extreme waterfalls the project will strengthen the water sector and equip both countries for climate change. The project is an interdisciplinary collaboration within water management and climate adaptation across the border. The most important result will be a combination of relationship building and innovation collaborations between universities and companies within water and climate adaptation technologies.


The Project builds on a combination of different methods in order to achieve the goals of the project:

  • Cross sectorial collaboration (water utilities, universities, and firms within the water sector)
  • Interdisciplinary collaboration (business management, biology, engineering, geology and others)
  • Screening and selection of relevant problems and solutions
  • Development and co-creation of new solutions and development proto-types and new concepts
  • Meet the buyer arrangements

Read more about the Neptun Project here ...


  • Clean - Environmental Cluster Denmark
  • University of Southern Denmark
  • Aalborg University
  • Christian Albrecht’s University Kiel

and 4 regions/districts, 2 municipalities, 4 supplies, 4 green business organizations / clusters / centers, 1 technical school, 1 association for recycling of rainwater and 1 digelaug.

Researchers at SDU

  • Per Freytag, Professor, Project Coodinator at SDU and project facilitation and business development and innovation.
  • Mads Bruun Ingstrup, Associate Professor, facilitation, business development and innovation.
  • Sara Egemose, Associate Professor, Department of Biology, facilitation and solution development
  • Jane Pedersen, Project Coordinator, facilitation and business development.


The project is funded by Interreg Deutschland-Danmark with funds from the European Regional Development Fund.


Last Updated 25.06.2024