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Research Group

Culture, Gender and Technology

The purpose of this research group is to bring together researchers within Department for Culture and Languages working with issues related to gender and technology from cultural analytical points of view.

The research group supports research in the Center for Culture and Technology and Center for Gender and Diversity and host researchers from two projects funded by The Velux Foundation: The Aesthetics of Bio-machines and the Question of Life headed by Kathrin Maurer and Endocrine Economies: The Cultural Politics of Sex Hormones headed by Charlotte Kroløkke and Karen Hvidtfeldt.


Group Members

Anne Nørkjær Bang
Charlotte Kroløkke
Johan Lau Munkholm
Kathrin Maurer
Karen Hvidtfeldt (research group leader)
Lea Skewes
Naja Le Fevre Grundtmann
Patrick Sloan
Signe Rom Rasmussen


Professor Karen Hvidtfeldt

Last Updated 12.09.2024