The main, but not exclusive focus, of this research programme is on opportunities and issues related to the digitalization of education, teaching and learning. Special importance is attached to research activities concerned with digital designs for learning. In the present context, the concept is defined as the design of digital resources and activities in order to support learning and professional communication. Central to the programme is the question of how digital content and platforms and digitally conveyed communication may be designed to enhance education, teaching and learning on different levels (ranging from primary school to tertiary education) in formal and informal communication contexts alike.
In more concrete terms, digital designs for learning entail giving shape to tangible learning materials and platforms as well as planning, implementing and evaluating teaching and learning activitites using information technology. Thus, digital designs for learning comprise:
- Learning resources such as functional and content-based learning materials, e.g. instructional websites, e-textbooks, learning objects and mobile apps aimed at teaching, learning and communication
- Physical and virtual spaces for learning activities, including learning management systems and mobile media
- Digitally mediated activities in, and between, teaching sessions
- Digitally mediated activities in informal learning spaces and across formal and informal communication contexts
- The organization of subjects, curricula and educational programmes.